Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
FI 1266 Physics II Бірінші курс 5 150 3 0 2
Course Descriptions
PhD, Dosymov Elmurat

The subject of Physics II comprehensively examines the elements of the doctrine of the structure and properties of matter, electronic devices (low-current and power electronics) and physical phenomena and processes occurring in them. As a result of studying the discipline, students can apply the knowledge gained in their professional activities, deeply mastering the principle of operation of modern physical devices, the physics of the processes taking place in them.


Physics I

Critical thinking, Brainstorming, Developmental teaching method

1As a result of generalization and critical analysis of data, abilities are formed in the studied field
2Builds leadership qualities by making independent decisions in the field of research
3Summarizes the basic knowledge acquired in the field of mathematics and physics
4Develops in mathematics and physics, exhibits them in the organization of professional activities.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb's law. Tension of the field. Principle of superposition.
2Gauss Theorem. Electric Potential. Conductors in the electrostatic field. Electric drive.
3Dielectrics in the electrostatic field. Dielectric types.
4The permeability of a substance depends on its temperature. Energy and intensity of the field.
5Constant electric current. Current strength. Current density. Electromotive force and voltage. Ohm's Law. Laying of conductors.
6Joule-Lenz Law. Electric current in metals, vacuum and gases.
7Magnetic field, properties. Jean Ampere's Bio-Savar-Laplace laws. Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field. Hall effect.
8The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction (Faraday's experiments). Rotation of the conductive frame in the magnetic field. Inductance. Self-induction and self-induction phenomenon. Transformers. Energy of the magnetic field.
9Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations and waves.
10Interference of light waves. Interferometers.
11Diffraction of currents. Huygens-Fresnel principle.
12Distribution of light.
13Atomic models of Thomson and Rutherford. Bohr's assumptions. Frank and Hertz's experiments
14Elements of quantum mechanics. Elements of nuclear physics. Size, composition and charge of the atomic nucleus.
15Mass defect and binding energy. Spin of the nucleus and magnetic moment.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Жалпы физика курсы :Электрондықоқуқұралы. . 2-том: Молекулалық физика және термодинамика - Алматы: АТУ, 2017. Мұсабеков, О.
2Жалпы физика курсы бойынша зертханалық жұмыстарды орындауға арналған методикалық нұсқау: оқу құралы. / - Алматы: Отан, 2018. - 140б Г.А. Карыбаева, А.Н. Алдибекова, М.Б. Нурбосинова
3Жалпы физика курсының семестрлік тапсырмалары: Оқу құралы. - Алматы: Эверо, 2015. Әбдіқасова, А.Ә.
4Молекулалық физика: Оқулық. / ҚР білім және ғылым министрлігі, ҚР Жоғары оқу орындарының қауымдастығы. - Алматы: Экономика, 2017. Бижігітов, Т., Ақтаев, Е.К.