Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
F 1266 Physics I Бірінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
PhD, Dosymov Elmurat

The purpose of the discipline is to study the kinematics, dynamics, statics and fluid dynamics of a mechanical part. The molecular kinetic theory of gases and the section of thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism in molecular physics are considered

Physics II


Oral, written, presentation, practice

1Performs technical calculations to select units of automatic control systems
2perform technical calculations for the study of installations
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Mechanical movement. Space and time. Numbering system. Law of motion. Angular velocity and angular acceleration during curvilinear motion.
2Newton's laws. Mass. Strength. Types of forces in mechanics. Inertial counting systems. Galilean transformations. Concept of absolute solid. Torque. Moment of inertia.
3Energy. Work. Power. Impulse. Law of conservation of mechanical energy. Law of conservation of momentum.
4An ideal and viscous liquid. Bernoulli's equation. Laminar and turbulent flow of liquids. Stokes expression.
5Fundamentals of molecular kinetic theory. Gas pressure from the point of view of molecular kinetic theory. An ideal gas. Ideal gas laws. Gas equation of state.
6The first principle of thermodynamics. Applying it to isoprocesses. Reversible and irreversible thermal processes. Carnot cycle. Second principle of thermodynamics.
7Law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb's law. Field strength. Principle of superposition. Gauss' theorem. Potential. Conductors in an electrostatic field. Electrical capacity.
8Dielectrics in an electrostatic field. Types of dielectric. The dielectric constant of substances depends on its temperature. Field energy and its density.
9Direct current. Current strength. Current density. Electromotive force and voltage. Ohm's law. Resistance of emitters. Joule-Lenz law. Electric current in metals, vacuum and gases.
10Magnetic field, its characteristics. Bio-Savar-Laplace and Ampere's laws. Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field. Hall effect.
11The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction (Faraday's experiments). Rotation of a conductive frame in a magnetic field. Inductance. The phenomenon of self-induction and mutual induction. Transformers. Magnetic field energy.
12Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations and waves.
13Interference of light waves. Interferometers. Diffraction of waves. Huygens-Fresnel principle. Light dispersion.
14Atomic models of Thomson and Rutherford. Bohr's postulates. Frank and Hertz experiments. Elements of quantum mechanics.
15Elements of nuclear physics. Size, composition and charge of the atomic nucleus. Mass defect and binding energy. Nuclear spin and magnetic moment. Radioactivity.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Methodical instruction for performing laboratory work on the course of general physics: educational tool. / - Almaty: Otan, 2018. - 140 p
2Semester tasks of the general physics course: Study tool. - Almaty: Evero, 2015. Abdikasova, A.А. Molecular physics: Textbook. / Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Almaty: Economy, 2017. Bizhigitov, T., Aktaev, E.K.
3Calculation-practicum from the course of general physics. Electricity and magnetism. Textbook / N. I. Iliasov. - Almaty: Lantar Trade, 2018.
4Calculation-practicum from the course of general physics. Electricity and magnetism. Textbook / N. I. Iliasov. - Almaty: Lantar Trade, 2018.
5A set of calculation models and problems for the general physics course: Educational and methodological tool. / Compiler: K.A. Boshkaev, N. Koyshibaev, Z.A. Kalymova, A.S. Taukenova. - Almaty: Kazakhun-ti, 2016.