Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ETT 4396 Электр тізбектер теориясы төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Phd, доцент Ш.Ж. Раманкулов

The circuit theory course is based on electricity, magnetism, electrostatics, direct and alternating current electric fields, electromagnetic oscillations and waves, and also uses vector algebra, differential and integral equations. As a result of studying the subject, students can use the acquired knowledge in practice, mastering physical processes in direct and alternating current electric circuits, their main elements and basic methods of calculating electric circuits.



1. Narration

2. Exchange of opinions

3. Problem methods

4. Discussion

5. reporting

11. Can understand the electromagnetic field and the phenomena that appear as a result of this field in electrical and electronic devices used in information systems.
22. can conduct research using instruments and facilities.
33. Can produce problems using the methods of statistical physics, electrodynamics of a continuous medium for solving problems in the field of condensed matter physics.
44. Learns methods of mathematical physics and methods of quantum field theory, attempts to solve problems using these methods, offers various methods of scientific analysis.
55. Can produce reports using modeling, analysis and calculation of electromagnetic processes
66. can perform calculations using a computer program.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. Week Lecture: linear electrical circuits of constant current
22. week Lecture: Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws. Compilation of Kirchhoff equations.
33. week Lecture: methods of assembling electrical circuits
44. week Lecture: nodal potential
55. Week Lecture: principle and methods of layering
66. week Lecture: linear electrical circuits of alternating current
77. week Lecture: power in alternating current electrical circuits
88. week Lecture: serial connection of receivers in alternating current circuits
99. week Lecture: parallel connection of receivers in alternating current circuits
1010. week Lecture: resonance phenomenon in alternating current circuits
1111. week Lecture: three-phase alternating current system
1212. week Lecture: three-Phase Three-Star Network Scheme
1313. week Lecture: connecting a three-phase receiver with a Triangle circuit
1414. week Lecture: electrical circuits of Basinus
1515. week Lecture: calculation of electrical circuits with Basinus
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Турмамбеков Т.А. Абдуманапов У.Ж. Сейтов Б.Ж. Шектибаев Н.А. Жартылай өткізгіштер. Оқу құралы. 2019.
22. Шукенова Ғ. А. Электр тізбектері бойынша виртуальды зертханалық кешен. Оқу құралы. - Шымкент 2020.
33Electronics Workbench» қолданбалы компьютерлік модельдеу бағдарламасы. 2021. Оқу – әдістемелік құрал
44.Н. Т. Рустамов, Б. Н. Куатбеков Электр тізбектерін оқып үйренейік. Жаттығулар мен есептер: Оқу әдістемелік құрал Түркістан : Тұран, 2018.