Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ETST 4314 Design of Power Supply Systems Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Babakhan Shokhrukh Abdilkasymovich

The subject includes requirements for power supply systems, principles of designing power supply systems at different stages of power loads of industrial enterprises, power supply of lighting installations, selection of the number, power and location of workshop transformers, external and internal power supply schemes, organization and conduct of electrical work, methods of installation of electrical equipment and stages, teaches the formalization of acceptance-delivery documentation. Forms acquired knowledge to solve specific engineering and technical problems.


Electricity transmission and distribution.

Group work, method of development training, method of improving professional skills, methods of problem-based learning.

1Able to collect theoretical data in the field of electric energy objects.
2Knows, can analyze and demonstrate theoretical knowledge of the main processes in the field of electric energy objects.
3The work of electric power objects can independently make decisions and show leadership ability in the analysis of the main phenomena, the processes taking place in facilities and complexes.
4Can describe parameters of electric machines.
5Can select elements of automated electric drives.
6Knows the features of connecting the main scientific concepts of the main installations, electric machines, automated electric drive elements in the electric power facilities with general problems in professional activities.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Description of electrical systems, requirements for them.
2Modes of operation of electric power networks.
3Normal operation of the electric network, transmission of electricity over long distances.
4Methods of calculation of electrical networks.
5Purpose of electrical networks and requirements for them.
6Classification of electrical networks.
7Interconnection of elements of electric power systems.
8Parameters and characteristics of elements of electric power systems.
9Production, transformation, transmission, distribution and use of electric energy.
10Parameters of transformers and electric energy supply lines, substitution schemes.
11Electrical networks with a voltage of up to 1 kV, their operation.
12Radial distribution of electrical energy at a voltage higher than 1 kV.
13Reactive power compensation.
14Frequency adjustment in the normal operation mode of the electric network.
15Methods of determining energy loss in the electrical network.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Энергия үнемдеу және энергия тиімділігі. Оқу құралы. Өскемен, 2017. Прохоренкова Н.
2Правила проектирования и монтажа электроустановок . 2013.
3Voltage control in the future power transmission system. Doctoral Thesis accepted by Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, 2018. Nan Qin
4Жоғары кернеулер техникасы. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Қызылорда, 2013. Садыкова І.
5Практическое пособие электрическим сетям и электрооборудованию. 2012. С.Л. Кужеков, С.В.Гончаров
6Smart Grid, Laboratories Inventory 2016, Andreadou N., Olariaga Guardiola M., Papaioannou I., Prettico G.