Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ETAETST 4313 Energy-saving Technologies at Industrial Facilities and Their Infrastructure Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Rustamov Nasym Tolegenovich

The subject teaches ways of conducting technological processes using converters in order to save energy resources and improve product quality at the output of the process. Considers the issues of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement, efficiency of fuel and energy resource use, technical and economic calculations in power supply systems of industrial enterprises, open and closed switchgear assemblies, features of power supply of special power receivers, ways to increase lightning protection of buildings and structures


Electricity transmission and distribution.

Group work, method of development training, method of improving professional skills, methods of problem-based learning.

1Able to collect theoretical data in the field of electric energy objects.
2Knows, can analyze and demonstrate theoretical knowledge of the main processes in the field of electric energy objects.
3The work of electric power objects can independently make decisions and show leadership ability in the analysis of the main phenomena, the processes taking place in facilities and complexes.
4Can describe parameters of electric machines.
5Can select elements of automated electric drives.
6Knows the features of connecting the main scientific concepts of the main installations, electric machines, automated electric drive elements in the electric power facilities with general problems in professional activities.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The composition and advantages of the electric drive.
2Stabilized movement of the electric drive and its stability.
3The dynamic mode of the electric drive and the equation of its motion.
4Mechanical characteristics of electric drives using direct current motors.
5General information about independently excited DC motors.
6Equations of mechanical and electromechanical characteristics of DC motors.
7According to catalog (documentary) mechanical characteristics of independently excited motors build up.
8Mechanical characteristics of an independently excited DC motor during braking modes.
9Equations of characteristics of sequentially excited DC motors.
10DC motors with mixed excitation properties and characteristics Look up details.
11Equation of the mechanical characteristics of a three-phase asynchronous motor.
12Mechanical characteristics of single-phase asynchronous motors.
13Efficiency factor and power factor of electric drives.
14Electric motor heating and cooling.
15Power calculation and electric drive motor selection.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Энергия үнемдеу және энергия тиімділігі. Оқу құралы. Өскемен, 2017. Прохоренкова Н.
2Правила проектирования и монтажа электроустановок . 2013.
3Voltage control in the future power transmission system. Doctoral Thesis accepted by Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, 2018. Nan Qin
4Жоғары кернеулер техникасы. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Қызылорда, 2013. Садыкова І.
5Практическое пособие электрическим сетям и электрооборудованию. 2012. С.Л. Кужеков, С.В.Гончаров
6Smart Grid, Laboratories Inventory 2016, Andreadou N., Olariaga Guardiola M., Papaioannou I., Prettico G.