Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ET 3277 Electromagnetic theory Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Kurmantayev A

The discipline examines the fundamentals of the theory of properties, distribution and transformation of the electromagnetic field in a vacuum and a homogeneous isotropic medium.As a result of mastering the discipline, students use their knowledge about the nature of electromagnetic theory, about diffraction and compatibility, about electricians, dielectrics, magnetic properties of substances in solving professional problems, learn to formulate that electromagnetic theory begins with the compilation of Maxwell's equations aimed at proving the electromagnetic nature of light.



narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1can use physical knowledge, methods of physics recognition and practical methods of action in various situations of everyday life.
2implements the basic laws and principles of physics in making any individual problem, connecting its meaning with the general laws of physics
3using the physical instruments necessary for measuring physical quantities, sets up a physical experiment and conducts measurements, calculates the result, analyzes it and draws a conclusion
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Vector analysis. Vector algebra. Integral calculationsАуызша
2Curvilinear coordinate systems.Жазбаша
4Work and energy in electrostatics. Conductors.Жазбаша
6Separation of variables.Ауызша және жазбаша
7Electric field in matter. Polarization. The field of polarized matter.презентация
8Electrical displacement. Linear dielectricstest
9Magnetostatics. Lorentz force law. Bio-Savard's law. Ampere's law.Ауызша
10Vector potential of a magnetЖазбаша
11Magnetic field in matter. Magnetization.Ауызша
12Electrodynamics. Electromotive force. Electromagnetic induction.Жазбаша
13Maxwell's equationsСұрақ-жауап
14Laws of conservation. Charge and energy. Impulse.test
15Radiation. Dipole radiation. Point charges.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. М. Құлбекұлы, Ш. Хамраев Электромагниттік тербелістер мен толқындар. Оптика -Алматы:Қарасай,2010ж., -292
22. Томилин, А.К. Обобщенная электродинамика. - Усть-Каменогорск: ВКГТУ, 2009. - 166c.
33. Борисов П.А., Осипов Ю.М. Потенциальные электрические поля. Электромагнитные поля и волны. – спб: спб ГУИТМО, 2006 – 108 c
44. В. В. Батыгин Сборник задач по электродинамике -Москва:НИЦ,2002ж.
55. Т. Бижігітов Электродинамика және салыстырмалылықтың арнайы теориясы -Алматы: Дәуір,2012ж., -448
66. Девид Дж.Гриффитс. Электродинамикаға кіріспе. Алматы – 2013. Полеграфкомбинат ЖШС.
77. Тамм И.Е., Основы теории электричества.- М.: Наука, 1989г.-504с.
88. Ландау Л.Д., Лифшиц Е.М. Теория поля. т.2 Под ред. Питаевского П.И.-М.: Физматлит, 2001г.-530с.
91. Матвеев А.Н. электродинамика.- М.: высшая школа, 1980г.-383с
102. Гильденбург В.Б. Сборник задач по электродинамике. М.: физмат, 2001 г.
113. Мултановский В.В., Василевский А.С. Курс теоретической физики. Электродинамика. М.: Просвещение.1991г.
124. Терлецкий Я.В., Рыбаков Ю.П. Электродинамика.-М.: Высшая школа,1990г.