Biology Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ЕТ 3206 Evolution Theory Үшінші курс 4 120 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
G.I. Issayev

The purpose of the discipline: is to form students ' understanding of the practical significance and interpretation of the foundations of the theory of continuous genetic processes in order to adapt to the influence of external factors in the population of living organisms. The course examines the main features of organic evolution in the process of learning, students form the diversity of the plant and animal world. It is aimed at the formation of continuous genetic processes in the population, the influence of the natural sorting process on the genetic structure of the population, and logical thinking based on the study of evolutionary biology.

Human and animal physiology

Introduction to Biology


Exchange of views


problematic methods

1studies the structure and basic properties of living organisms at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels, determines the mechanism of the body's characteristic functions and physiological processes
2know: laws and molecular mechanisms of heredity and variability of living organisms, genetic and biochemical methods, current levels of development of biotechnology and the selection process using biotechnological methods
3in his professional activity, he studies biological objects in the field and laboratory conditions, scientifically plan, organize classroom and field observations of research activities, make scientific and technical projects and reports, summarize and analyze the information received
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The history of the development of evolutionary ideas.Жазбаша
2The evolutionary concept of J. B. LamarckЖазбаша
3General prerequisites for the formation of Darwin's evolutionary theory.Жазбаша
4Darwin's evolutionary theory.Жазбаша
5Darwin's views on the forms, patterns and causes of variability.Жазбаша
6Proof of species variability in natureЖазбаша
7The development of the doctrine of evolution in the post-Darwin eraЖазбаша
8Organic evolution is an objective processЖазбаша
9Origin of life (Biogenesis)Жазбаша
10The doctrine of microevolutionЖазбаша
11Population-the elemental structure of evolutionЖазбаша
12Changes in the genetic structure of a population – an elementary phenomenon of evolutionЖазбаша
13Elementary factors of evolutionЖазбаша
14Natural selection-driving and guiding factors of evolutionЖазбаша
15Quantitative characteristics of natural sorting: coefficient, efficiency, speed of sortingЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Эволюциялық биология. Оқу құралы. – Шымкент: Тұран баспасы, 2019 Е.Байбеков, Р.Дайрабаев, Л.Боранбаева, Б.Тойжигитова, Б.Умиров.
2Эволюциялық биология. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Исаев Ғ.И. 2014
3Биологиялык эволюция : Оқулық. . - Алматы: ССК, 2018. Зияева Г. К.