Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ESST 4308 Design Of Electrical Networks And Systems төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Agabekova Aktolkyn Bekarysovna

The purpose of the subject is to form knowledge on designing and visualizing the structure of electrical networks and systems. It teaches the main characteristics of components of electrical networks and systems and the features of their local placement, feasibility study of development options, calculation of operating modes and methods of optimization of reactive power and voltage mode.


Electrical networks and systems

Group work, method of development training, method of improving professional skills, methods of problem-based learning.

1Knows the principles of operation of electrical networks, their main characteristics, the nature of physical phenomena occurring in different modes of operation.
2Knows the connection schemes of electrical systems, can describe the processes taking place in them.
3Get acquainted with the construction of electrical system devices.
4Knows the conditions of operation of industrial power lines, remembers the safety rules of equipment while working with them.
5Oversees connection of production power lines and their uninterrupted operation.
6Knows how to calculate the physical and electrical characteristics of electrical systems.
7Knows how to ensure the safety of operation of electrical networks in production facilities.
8Learns to design energy-efficient electrical technological equipment, develop installations and complexes.
9Calculates power plants, prepares project documentation.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Methods and tasks of designing electrical networks and systems.
2Main economic indicators.
3Comparative technical and economic efficiency criteria.
4Taking into account the reliability of electrical networks during the selection of development options.
5Choosing the correct voltage and configuration of electrical networks.
6Selection of the cross-section of conductors according to the economic current density.
7Selection of the cross-section of conductors of overhead lines according to economical load intervals.
8Selection of the cross-section of conductors according to the possible loss of voltage.
9Selection of the section of conductors according to the permissible heating conditions.
10Selection of the cross-section of conductors, considering protection devices.
11Basics of creating a scheme of electrical networks.
12Typical layouts of substations
13Outline of urban distribution points.
14Schemes of electrical networks up to 1000 V.
15Ways to increase the conductivity of power transmission and power networks.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Электр станциялары мен қосалқы станциялар: Оқулық. Алматы: ҚР ЖОО қауымдастығы, 2014. Хожин Г.
2Правила проектирования и монтажа электроустановок . 2013.
3Гибридтік энергия станциясы: Монография. Түркістан: Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы ХҚТУ 2019.121бет. Рустамов Н.Т., Мейірбеков А.Т.
4Электр тораптары және жүйелері №1 ЕСЖ-ға арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулар Алматы. – АЭжБУ, 2013 – 19 бет. В.Н. Сажин, Оржанова Ж.К.
5Электрические системы и сети. Часть 1 : учебное пособие / В.В. Афонин, К.А. Набатов. – Тамбов: Изд-во ФГБОУ ВПО«ТГТУ», 2013. – 80 с. – 100 экз. Афонин, В.В.
6Electricity Distribution: Intelligent Solutions for Electricity Transmission and Distribution Networks Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2016. — 318 p. Karampelas P., Ekonomou L.