Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EN 3288 Basics of Electrical Engineering Үшінші курс 5 150 2 1 1
Course Descriptions

Direct and alternating current electric circuits, single-phase and three-phase sinusoidal current electric circuits, magnetic circuits, as well as electricity generation, transmission, distribution to consumers and use in production, agriculture are considered. Students as a result of studying the subject
Based on the acquired theoretical knowledge, he acquires the skills of checking the laws of electrical engineering in practice, assembling electrical circuits, and using electrical measuring instruments and tools.

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1PON 1 - theoretically understands the electromagnetic field and the phenomena that appear as a result of this field in electronic and electrical installations and devices used in information systems;
2PON 2 - can use electronic and electrical devices and instruments;
3PON3 - organizes research works using electronic and electrical installations and devices;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General comments. Principles of alternating sinusoidal EMF, effective values of current and voltage. Vector diagram method Active resistance in alternating current circuit is inductance, capacitance. Power factor of R, L, and C elements connected in series. Parallel connection of elements R, L, and C. Voltage resonance and current resonance General comments. Principles of creating a three-phase system. Star and delta connection methods. Power of a three-phase system General comments. Concepts of electrical measuring instruments. Electrical measurement errors Magnetic electric, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, ferrodynamic electrodynamic wattmeter Thermoelectric, detector, digital measuring instruments. Power measurement of a three-phase system Methods of electrical measurement of non-electric quantities. Power factor determination methods Characteristics and elements of nonlinear electrical circuits. Basic circuits of alternating current rectifiers. Smoothing filters. Explanation about inverters Classification of alternating current machines. Asynchronous, synchronous motors and generators. DC motors and generators. Automation elements.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. И. Е. Иродов.Электромагнетизм: негізгі заңдар. Алматы. 2013 ж.
22. Е. Ж. Айдос. Өрістер теориясы.Алматы, Бастау. 2012
33. Ә. М. Бектенов, Б. М. Бектенов, М(Л). Б. Бектенов. Физика есептерін шығару.Алматы 2013ж
44. Д. Дж. Гриффитс. Электродинамикаға кіріспе. Алматы 2013ж
51. Воробиенко П.П. Теория электрических цепей. Сборник задач и упражнений. М.: Радио и связь. 1989.
62. Бакалов В.П., Крук Б.И., Журавлев О.Б. Основы теории цепей. М.: Радио и связь, 2002.
73. Фриск В.В. Основы теории цепей. Учебное пособие. – М: ИП Радио СОФТ, 2002.
84. 12. Аршидинов М.М., Электротехниканың теориялық негіздері, АЭжБИ 1999 ж
95. К. В. Любимов, С. М. Новиков Знакомимся с электрическими цепями -Москва:Наука,1981ж., -109
106. В. П. Бакалов Основы теории электрических цепей и электроники -Москва:Радио и связь,1989ж.