Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EMWR 4378 Effective Management of Water Resources төртінші курс 7 210 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Toychibekova Gaziza Batikhanovna

The discipline forms the skills of compiling and analyzing water balances and water management schemes. The student practices the harmonious development and management of water resources and water management in the world community, using innovative methods to solve environmental problems, planning and developing projects of activities aimed at protecting and preserving nature. The student is able to improve the water management system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, creating favorable legal conditions and forming an organizational environment.


Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, presentation, Case study method

11-knows the main approaches and principles of economic incentives for the protection and integrated use of Water Resources;
22-know the basics of water legislation and legal aspects of Water Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries of the world and the general laws and features of water management;
33-applies methods for selecting the structure and parameters of Environmental Management and water management systems;
44-draws up and analyzes water management balances of water management schemes for large territories;
55-calculates the permissible anthropogenic load on water bodies, payment for water use, determines the optimal solutions for Water Management based on expert analysis and the use of mathematical methods.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Continental reservoirs and the World OceanАуызша
2Environmental, economic, cultural and recreational activities of water bodiesАуызша
3Water bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan as objects of protectionЖазбаша
4Rational use, reproduction and protection of aquatic ecosystemsЖазбаша
5Joint Water Cycle Management in KazakhstanАуызша және жазбаша
6Basic principles and additional tools of the SRB. Strategic risk managementАуызша және жазбаша
7Depletion and pollution of Water Resources. Legal protection of Water Resourcesпрезентация
8City water supply system and Aqaba waters the best storm drain management technologies in the citytest
9Monitoring of water quality and pollutant contentпрезентация
10Aqaba city water treatment systemsЖазбаша
11Drinking water treatment technologies and water quality monitoringЖазбаша
12Methods of cleaning, decontamination and disposal of industrial wastewaterАуызша
13Theories and causes of the degradation of hydrological resourcesАуызша
14Problems of cross-border cooperation application of the framework water data method in KazakhstanАуызша және жазбаша
15Environmental problems and solutions of the world's oceans, seas, lakes, riversЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.water supply of Agriculture: textbook/ K. K. Anuarbekov, E. Sarkynov, A. E. Aldiyarova. - Almaty: Techmith, pp. 2022-228.
22. monitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Textbook, Abdimutalip N. A., Toychibekova G. B.-Turkestan, 2016-200B
33. joint management of Water Resources in Kazakhstan / collective monograph. - Almaty : Kazakh university, 2016. B. S. Meyer, L. Landi, R. N. Nurdillayeva
44.large-scale processes forming the modern state of the Aral Sea and Kurbaniyazov A. K. Shymkent, -2017, - 135c.
55.assessment of the risk of technogenic impact on the population of Kazakhstan part of the order. Collective monograph., Almaty-2017, p. 184, OTV. Ed.: Bekmanov B. O.
66.environmental and water ecosystems.A. Bakin, G. B. Sarsenbaeva Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2014
77.Water Resources: problems, assessment and management: Sarsenbayev, M. Kh., Dzhanabaeva, zh.a.textbook. - Almaty: kaznu, 2016. - 94p./