Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EMTT 2266 Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering І Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Rustamov Nasym Tolegenovich

The subject teaches the elements of electrical circuits, their characteristics, the theory of constant, sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal current circuits, methods of analysis of linear circuits with two-pole and multi-pole elements, basic concepts, definitions and calculation methods of three-phase circuits.

Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering II, Electric machines I, II

Mathematics I, II, Physics I, II

Group work, development of teaching methods, methods of improving professional skills.

1Knows the peculiarities of applying the theories and fundamental laws of mathematics and physics.
2Uses basic knowledge acquired in solving various applied problems.
3Shows the basic scientific concepts of natural sciences in the organization of professional activity.
4Can collect and analyze literary materials in the field of electric power engineering.
5Uses computer technology to process research results.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Direct current linear electrical circuit. Understanding of electrical circuits. Elements of an electric circuit.
2Ohm's law for a part of a circuit with an emf. Kirchhoff's laws.
3Methods of calculating electric circuits.
4Nodal potential method. Method of contour currents.
5Active ambiguities theorem. Alternate generator method. Operating modes of electric circuits. The principle of confrontation.
6Electric circuit of single-phase sinusoidal current.
7Sinusoidal current in capacitance, inductance and resistance.
8Active, reactive and total power in sinusoidal current circuits.
9Voltage and current resonance in a sinusoidal current circuit.
10Inductively coupled elements.
11Transformer without steel core
12Electric circuits of three-phase current. Basic concepts and definitions of three-phase electric circuits. Star, delta connection scheme of energy source and receiver.
13Active, reactive and full power in a three-phase circuit.
14Periodic non-sinusoidal current circuits.
15Action values of non-sinusoidal quantities. Active and full power in a non-sinusoidal current circuit.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Г.Т.Кокенова, У.С.Кубаева. Электр тізбектерінің теориясы: Оқулық.-Алматы: 2013. -296 б.
2Н. Т. Рустамов, Б. Н. Куатбеков Эектр тізбектерін оқып үйренейік. Жаттығулар мен есептер: Оқу әдістемелік құрал. Түркістан: Тұран, 2018. - 100 с.
3Ғ.А.Шукенова. Электр тізбектері бойынша виртуальды зертханалық кешен. Түркістан: Туран, 2020
4Ю. Г. Подкин.Электротехника и электроника. 2011, Т1, Т2.
5В.М.Прошин.Рабочая тетрадь к лабораторно-практическим работам по электротехнике.2013.
6Ғ.А. Шукенова.Электр тізбектері 2 пәнінен практикалық есептер жинағы. Оқу құралы. Түркістан 2018 ж, 104 б.