Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EM 3284 Ecological Monitoring Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Abdimutalip Nurlybek Abdimutalipuli

The subject forms knowledge about the types of monitoring and controlled priority parameters of the natural environment, the means of monitoring. The student comprehensively learns the use of innovative technologies in determining emissions of pollutants depending on the physical and geographical conditions of the environment, and is trained to apply them in future practical activities. As a result, he comprehensively understands environmental monitoring to assess the impact of harmful substances of enterprises on the environment.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, presentation, Case study method

11-can tell the knowledge gained during the training related to the physical and geographical conditions of the environment and emissions of pollutants;
22-is able to accurately apply the scientific and organizational foundations of environmental monitoring;
33-ecological explanation of the habitat and health status of the population;
44-studying the problems of environmental protection at the present stage, it is possible to classify the main controlled pollution parameters;
55-can distinguish between assessment criteria and indicators of the quality of natural and environmental;
66-can analyze the main controlled parameters of the natural environment;
77-knows the types, monitoring systems and ways to implement it;
88-knows and implements environmental monitoring methods.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Scientific foundations of environmental monitoring 1. Definition of environmental monitoring 2. The main goals and objectives of environmental monitoringЖазбаша
2Problems of environmental protection at the present stage 1. the state of the environment 2. the main controlled parameters and regulation of environmental pollutionАуызша
3Criteria for assessing changes in the habitat and health status of the population 3.1 air pollution of residential areas 3.2 pollution of drinking water, drinking and recreational water sources 3.3 soil pollution of residential areas 3.4 Radiation pollutionСұрақ-жауап
4Environmental assessment 1. Assessment of anthropogenic changes in the state of the biosphere 2. Methods of environmental assessment 3. landscape-ecological approachtest
5Assessment of the forecast state of the environment 1. forecasting and assessment of the forecast state of the environment 2 assessment of the ecological condition of the territory to determine the zones of emergency and ecological disasterпрезентация
6Dominant controlled parameters of the natural environment 1. particles, gases, aerosols, sulfur and nitrogen oxides floating in the atmospheric air 2. Heavy metals and other elements 3. sources of heavy metals entering the environmentпрезентация
7Types of monitoring and ways of its implementation 1 grouping of monitoring 2. Global environmental monitoring system 3. State monitoringtest
8Monitoring systems 1. the nature of natural and anthropogenic changes in nature 2. Observations in the monitoring systemпрезентация
9Environmental and ecosystem monitoring systems 1. Environmental and ecosystem monitoring systems 2. Monitoring of the atmosphere 3. the main tasks and content of monitoring atmospheric pollution 4. Hydrosphere monitoring 5. The main tasks and content of monitoring surface water pollutionпрезентация
10Environmental pollution background monitoring system 1 background monitoring 2. Integrated background monitoring stations (FMS)презентация
11Methods of environmental monitoring 1. Remote control methods .2. Methods of biological control .3. Ecological foundations of bioindicationАуызша
12Basic principles of bioindication application 1. Basic principles of bioindication application 2. Bioindication of air pollutionпрезентация
13Sampling techniques 1. Atmosphere 2. Biota .3 direct impact of biosphere pollution on humansпрезентация
14Environmental quality regulation 1. Rationing of exposure .2. Hazard classes of substances 3. Rationing of air qualityпрезентация
15Regulatory and international organizations 1. Regulatory and legal support for environmental monitoring 2. Environmental Code 3 State standardstest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes