Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EM 2272 Electricity and Magnetism Екінші курс 180 6 1 1 2
Course Descriptions
Курмантаев А.Н.

The course is a part of general physics. Here are electrostatics, direct current, magnetostatics, charged particle movement in electric and magnetic fields, alternating current circuits, etc. is considered. As a result of studying the subject, students develop the ability to apply theorems, definitions and laws of the electricity and magnetism course, as well as physical models and methods in solving theoretical and applied problems.

Group work, learning and study, brainstorming, poster protection, creative teaching methods, mini-research method, professional skill improvement method, Modular teaching technology.

1PON 1 - knows the basic concepts and physical quantities from the course of electricity and magnetism; - explains the main electrical and magnetic phenomena;
2PON 2 - knows the basic laws and principles of electromagnetism, their logical content and magnetic phenomena;
3PON 3 - applies the laws of electricity and magnetism in the explanation of physical phenomena found in nature and technology, solves quantitative and qualitative physical problems;
4PON4 - solve typical problems on the main sections of the course using methods of mathematical analysis;
5PON 5 - from the course of electricity and magnetism, works on basic concepts and physical quantities, methods of theoretical calculations, physical measurements;
6PON 6 - realizes the boundaries of the use of physical models and hypotheses in professional activities;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Electric charge. The law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb's law. Electrostatic field and its intensity. Electric dipole.
2Electric field voltage lines. Voltage vector flow. Electric displacement. Ostragradsky-Gauss theorem.
3Electrostatic field potential. Work in the electric field. Potential gradient. Equipotential surfaces and their properties.
4Conductors in an electric field. Electrical capacity. Capacitors and their connection. Electric field energy.
5Current power and work. Joule-Lenz laws. Efficiency. Kirchhoff's rules for a branched circuit.
6Nature of current in metal. Elementary classical theory of electrical conductivity. Work of an electron leaving a metal. Thermoelectronic emission.
7Magnetic field. Biot-Savard-Laplace law and its application to calculate the magnetic field.
8Mutual effects of parallel currents. Flow and circulation of the magnetic induction vector.
9The work done when a current-carrying conductor is displaced in a magnetic field. The effect of a magnetic field on a moving charge. The Hall effect.
10The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Faraday's and Lenz's laws.
11The phenomenon of self and mutual induction. Magnetic field energy. Eddy currents.
12Cold current. Maxwell's equations.
13Oscillating circuit. Free vibrations. Involuntary vibrations. Resonance.
14Electromagnetic waves and its differential equation. Electromagnetic wave energy and wave radiation.
15Electromagnetic waves and its differential equation. Electromagnetic wave energy and wave radiation.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Электромагнетизм: негізгі заңдар. Оқулық. -2013. И. Е. Иродов
22. Физика есептерін шығару әдістемесінің негіздері. Оқулық. -2016. Ә. Х. Сарыбаева
33. Общий физический практикум. Электричество и магнетизм. 2-е . 2016. Архипов Ю.В. Ахметов Е.А. , Баимбетов Ф.Б., Давлетов А.Е., Иминова Н.А.
41.Физика есептерін шығару. 2013. Ә. М. Бектенов, Б. М. Бектенов, М(Л). Б. Бектенов
52. Жалпы физика курсынан зертханалық жұмыстар - ІІ. 2017. Тұрмамбеков Т.А., Сарыбаева Ә.Х., Беркинбаев М.О.
63. Сарыбаева Ә. Х. Физика есептерін шығару әдістемесінің негіздері. -Түркістан: ХҚТУ, 2016, -95 б.
74. Физический практикум. Электричество и магнетизм – 136 с. 2017 Ахметов Е.А., Баимбетов Ф.Б., Габдуллина А.Т. и др.
85. Методические указания по курсу «Теория электрических цепей»№ 2016. Манаков С.М., Алимгазинова Н.Ш., Толегенова А.А.