Turkish Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EDTA 4336 Old Turkish Literature III төртінші курс 4 120 2 1 0
Course Descriptions
PhD, Yerlan Alaşbayev

16-19. To teach the literature of the period created between the centuries and to introduce the poetry and poets of that period. XVI-XIX centuries. The history of the development of Old Turkish Literature is explained comprehensively, starting from the Ottoman Empire period . An overview of the history of Turkish Literature , which developed in the Azeri and Chagatai regions between these centuries, is also given.


Old Turkish Literature II

1. expression – power of expression 

2. exchange of ideas

3. increase - debate

4. problem solving method

5. group (collective) project working method

6. problem (composition) solution methods

7. qualitative (mini) research methods

8. project work method

9. methods of developing professional skills

1Have general knowledge about Turkish Literature and recognize the works of poets and writers.
2Examines the literature and collects information about Turkish Literature periods and genres.
3Have knowledge about literary genres and leading representatives of Turkish Literature.
4Explains the ideological-aesthetic level and content potential of a literary work.
5Measures the types of changes and clarifications of the literary language in the work of art, and the ideas and emotions of the work in terms of national interests.
6Explains the laws of aesthetics and forms of artistic consciousness expressed in Turkish literary works.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Text commentary , text description , text review , text to the analysis related definitions , properties . Classical Turkish poem basis mattersАуызша
2Methods of annotating classical Turkish poetry textsАуызша
3Hoca Dehhani, Sheyyad Hamza, Ashık PashaСөздік
4Examples from Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi and his Mesnevitest
5Poetry examples from Yunus EmreБиблиография
6Selected ghazal examples and commentary from Nesimiпрезентация
7Selected poetry samples and commentary from Ali Shir NavaiЖазбаша
8Ahmet Pasha's world of poetryАуызша
9Selected ghazal examples and commentary from Necati BeyАуызша
10Selected ghazal examples and commentary from Hayali BeyСөздік
11Selected ghazal examples and commentary from the poet Zatitest
12Selected ghazal examples and commentary from BakiБиблиография
13Selected ghazal examples and commentary from Fuzuliпрезентация
14Selected ghazal examples and commentary from the poet NabiАуызша
15General Overview of the CenturiesЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1M. İsen, O. Horata, M. Macit, İ. Aksoyak Eski Türk Edebiyatı El Kitabı, 2014
2A.S. Levend, Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, 2015
3A. Şentürk, A. Kartal, Eski Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi Metinleri, 2013