Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EDT 4218 Electronical Converting Equipment төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Babakhan Shokhrukh Abdilkasymovich

The purpose of the subject is to consider the technologies of electronic circuits, the reliability and economy of operation, the size of electronic elements, indicators and integrated circuits of a single complex with their technological processes, the main advantages of integrated circuits, low power consumption from the power source, very high reliability and quick response.


Power station and substations


Group work, development teaching method, c-case-study, method of improving professional skills, problem-based learning methods.

1Group work, development teaching method, c-case-study, method of improving professional skills, problem-based learning methods.
2Defines the features of electronic converter techniques.
3Uses electronic converter techniques in practice.
4Analyzes the features of the current stage of electronic converters.
5Can obtain technical characteristics of electronic converters and devices.
6Electronic converter implements techniques in real production.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Vacuum electronics. Electron emission. Electric vacuum lamps.
2Semiconductors. Compound semiconductors. Physical processes in semiconductors.
3Electric crossing. 'p-n' transition semiconductor devices.
4Transistor connection diagrams. Dynamic operating modes of the transistor.
5Electronic oscilloscope operation. Portable generator. Tasks of the elements of the structural diagram of the oscilloscope.
6Thyristors. Field of use of thyristors. Labeling of thyristors.
7Electric filters (filter) that smooth saturation (pulsation).
8Generation of various electrical signals. Electronic generator. Sinusoidal generator circuits. Pulse generators. Multivibrator.
9General information about integrated circuits. Types of integrated circuits.
10Sites of digital instruments. Triggers (Tg).
11Keys and logical elements.
12Convert alternating current to direct current.
13Electronic rectifiers. Use of rectifiers in low power installations.
14Partial periodic correction diagram. Three-phase current rectification scheme.
15Inverters. Calculation of the design parameters of the converter transformer by the modeling method.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Жартылайөткізгішті электронды аспаптар және өлшеу әдістері: Оқу құралы. Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2017. 352 бет. А.К.Саймбетов, Б.Қ.Мухаметқали, Н.М.Джапасов.
2Ермағанбетов Қ. Электротехника және электроника негіздері. Астана: Фолиант, 2016. - 728 б. ISBN 978-601-302-411-0:
3Қойшиев Т.Қ. Электронды және күштік техника, А., КазАТК 2016.
4Электронная преобразовательная техника. Учебное пособие. 2015. Ю.М.Кулинич.