Turkish Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EAT 3327 Old Anatolian Turkish Language Үшінші курс 5 150 2 3 0
Course Descriptions
PhD, Assos. Prof. Abdulkadir Ozturk

XIII-XV. Examination of the linguistic features of the Old Anatolian period based on texts selected from the works of poets and writers between the centuries. Gains information about the writers and poets of the Old Anatolian period and their works. XIII-XV. Between the centuries, Yunus Emre, Şeyyad Hamza, Âşık Pasha, Hoca Mesud, Ahmedî etc. There are works of poets. The development of the Turkish written language in Anatolia and the linguistic features of this period, called Old Anatolian Turkish, are analyzed based on the works. When necessary, comparisons are made in terms of linguistic features between this period and today's Turkish.



Expression - power of expression, exchange of ideas, discussion - debate, problem solving method

1Obtain information about the Old Anatolian Turkish period
2Recognizes the authors and works of the period
3Reads and understands period texts
4Acquire knowledge of text and poetry analysis
5Learns the language features of the period in general terms
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General information about the Old Anatolian Turkish periodСұрақ-жауап
2General information about the Old Anatolian Turkish periodАуызша
3Phonetic features of Old Anatolian TurkishСөздік
4Phonetic features of Old Anatolian Turkishtest
5Morphology of Old Anatolian TurkishБиблиография
6Morphology of Old Anatolian Turkishпрезентация
7Ahmet Fakih and ÇarhnameЖазбаша
8Ahmet Fakih and ÇarhnameЖазбаша
9Ahmet Fakih and Çarhnametest
10Hodja Dehhani and His PoemsАуызша
11Hodja Dehhani and His PoemsБиблиография
12Hodja Dehhani and His PoemsСұрақ-жауап
13Yunus Emre and his DivanАуызша
14Yunus Emre and his DivanСөздік
15Yunus Emre and his DivanЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Mehmet Kanar, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi Sözlüğü, 2018
2Gürer Gülsevin ve Erdoğan Boz, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi, 2022
3Muhammet Yelten, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi, 2019