Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EAEBONRM 5213 Ecological and Economic Bases of Natural Resource Management Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Toychibekova Gaziza Batikhanovna

Тo form an idea of the main economic mechanisms of environmental management. To introduce the economic fundamentals of the effective use of natural resources. To form clear ideas about the methods of pricing natural resources and compensation for damage from environmental pollution. To teach how to apply the acquired knowledge to solve the tasks of professional activity, including when calculating payments and damages for environmental pollution.



1. Working in a group

2 Critical thinking

3. Creative search

4. Reproductive method

5.Project-based learning

1- Analyzes the basics of ecological and economic efficiency of nature management by determining the impact of biogeochemical turnover, pollutants on the objects of the biosphere using modern methods of assessing the risks of danger in the environment (LO6).
2-Solves environmental problems by applying modern methods and means of environmental quality control, mastering an integrated approach to effective management and use of natural resources and reducing the impact and volume of pollutants emitted by industry (LO8).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Economy natural resources. Natural resources as an object of natural use. Basic concepts and classification of natural resources. Features of resource allocation.Ауызша
2Natural resource potential and its assessment. Formation of demand, supply and prices for natural resources.Ауызша
3The economics of the natural environment. Natural conditions as the basis of life and economic development.Ауызша
4Economic assessment of assimilation potential. Problem using the assimilation potential of the OS. Economic damage from environmental pollutionЖазбаша
5Economy environmental protection activities. The economic mechanism of nature management and environmental protection activities. Financing and economic efficiency of environmental protection measures.Жазбаша
6Methods of environmental management and environmental protection activities. Environmental management and environmental policy. The economic mechanism of environmental management. Types and tools of the economic mechanism of environmental management. Payments for the use of natural resources. Payments for environmental pollution.презентация
7Environmental management and sustainable development of the biosphere. Ecological and economic problems. The concept of sustainable economic development and environmental management issues. Criteria and indicators of sustainable development.test
8Economics of environmental management. The natural science foundations of the economics of environmental management. The subject of science. The laws of nature management.Сөздік
9Socio-economic aspects of nature use. Classification of environmental management needsпрезентация
10Economy natural resources. Natural resources as an object of natural use. Basic concepts and classification of natural resources. Features of resource allocation.Ауызша және жазбаша
11Natural resource potential and its assessment. Formation of demand, supply and prices for natural resources.Ауызша және жазбаша
12The economics of the natural environment. Natural conditions as the basis of life and economic development. Economic assessment of assimilation potential.Ауызша
13Problem using the assimilation potential of the OS. Economic damage from environmental pollutionЖазбаша
14The economic mechanism of nature management and environmental protection activities. Financing and economic efficiency of environmental protection measurestest
15Methods of environmental management and environmental protection activities. Environmental management and environmental policy. Administrative regulation in the field of environmental management.Ауызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Natural resources and their effective use. Meirbekov A. T. publishing house 'Turan' of the IKTU named after A. Yasawi, Turkestan, 2015.
2Man-made ecology. Training manual. S. M. Bayandinova. Almaty: Kazakh University, 2014. -138 P.
3Methods of analysis in the field of Agriculture and agriculture: Salykova A. S. academic post-Almaty: Techmith, 2022-232 P.
4Teaching about the environment short lecture course Sh. Sh. Nurseitov, G. M. Giniyatova A.: Evero, 2014, -80
5Natural resources and their effective use. Turkestan, 2015.
6Табиғи ресурстар және оларды тиімді пайдалану. Түркістан, 2015. Мейірбеков А. Т.
7Табиғатты пайдалану экономикасы : Оқу құралы / Минск: Колорград,2016. - 400 б. Жалпы астында. ред. А. В . Неверова.