Computer Enginering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DJ3207 Database Systems Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD N.M.Zhunissov

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' professional competencies associated with the use of classical and modern approaches to data modeling, data management methods and their implementation in software products. The development of skills based on theoretical knowledge gained, which allows analyzing, modeling and designing databases and developing software applications that use databases. To instill in students the skills of research work, which involves independent study of the specific tools and tools necessary to solve a particular data management problem.The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' professional competencies associated with the use of classical and modern approaches to data modeling, data management methods and their implementation in software products. The development of skills based on theoretical knowledge gained, which allows analyzing, modeling and designing databases and developing software applications that use databases. To instill in students the skills of research work, which involves independent study of the specific tools and tools necessary to solve a particular data management problem.

Web programming

Algorithms and Programming

narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods.

1Explains to students the use of methods for developing databases and protection systems.
2Designs and develops databases, information management systems.
3Summarizes knowledge about the features of teaching technologies and ways when planning and conducting classes;
4Knows the features of the development of database applications.
5Implements database creation methods, forms concepts and skills.
6Uses methods and means that can determine the methods of processing, transmitting, storing databases in an information system.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to databases.
2Access to SQL. Working in SQL SERVER Data Warehouse
3SQL database in the language of queries- selection of information from SELECT operator.
4Using SQL functions in query creation
5Grouping data
6Built-in requests
7Dataservice definition and datasetsmanipulation commands
8Procedures to be followed
9SQL database relational language. SQL standards. Categories of SQL commands.
10SQL queries. SQL query format. Simple SQL queries.
11Complex SQL queries. SQL standard functions, data grouping.
12Subordinate queries in SQL. Subordinate requests and requests.
13Design of database systems.
14Principles of designing data resources.
15Logical design. Algorithm for creating logical models. Physicalproject.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Заманауи МББЖ. Оқу құралы. Алматы 2020. Л. Б. Диярова, С. К. Байгубенова
2Клиент-серверлік қосымша.Информатика мамандығы студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы [Текст] / Т. А. Шмыгалева, Л. Ш. Черикбаева. - Алматы : [б. и.], 2019
3Big data analytics.Textbook. Алматы 2021. A. K. Mukasheva, T. F. Umarov, I. A. Zimin
4Database in IS. Алматы 2016. K.S. and etc. Duisebekova