Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DERM 3289 Digital Environmental Research Methods Үшінші курс 5 150 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Toychibekova Gaziza Batikhanovna

The discipline contributes to the development of modern methods of remote sensing of the Earth, computer image processing and GIS technologies in the field of geoecological monitoring, management and environmental protection, rational nature management. The course introduces remote sensing tools, various categories of aerial photography, geometric, pictorial and information properties of images. Students decipher photographs and materials related to the technology and methods of creating maps based on aerospace information



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, presentation, Case study method

11.writes the theoretical foundations of quantitative Environmental Research Methods.
22. quantitative and qualitative analysis using the theoretical foundations of quantitative Environmental Research Methods conducts with accuracy
33. value distribution: using advances in Digital Environmental Research Methods, he tries to emphasize the features.
44. remembers quantitative environmental research methods to describe chemical processes occurring in laboratory conditions and in the environment
55.correctly process and summarize the data obtained as a result of the experiment.
66. organizes work using modern information technologies
77.knows the basic theories and methods of quantitative Environmental Research in professional activities.
88.understands the importance of quantitative Environmental Research Methods in solving environmental problems within the Natural Sciences.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General principles of environmental protectionАуызша
2A set of directions and measures of environmental protection activitiesАуызша
3Environmental managementАуызша және жазбаша
4Principles and methods of information workАуызша және жазбаша
5Sources of environmental informationЖазбаша
6Information about typical environmental problemsЖазбаша
7Introduction to information technologytest
8Basic information processesпрезентация
9The concept of an information systemАуызша
10Features of environmental information systemsАуызша
11Databases as part of an information systemАуызша және жазбаша
12Environmental information processing technologiesАуызша және жазбаша
13Universal application software packages for environmental data processingtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Bednyak S. G. theoretical foundations of Applied Information Technologies preparation and formation of received results of research [electronic resource] , 2017-183-mode dostupa:
22. Gvozdeva V. A. basic and Applied Information Technologies: teacher [Electronic resource]: Izdatelsky Dom forum, 2020 - 384-mode dostupa:
33. Geoinformation systems: laboratory workshop [electronic resource] , 2017-159-mode dostupa:
44. Geoinformation systems : teachers and teachers for vuzov [Electronic resource] - Kemerovo: Kemerovsky State University , 2018-122 - Access mode:
55. Hryvko E. V. Ecology: practical aspects [electronic resource], 2017-330 - Access mode:
66. Information Law and Information Technologies [Electronic resource] , 2017-mode 79 access:
77. Information Technologies in professional activity [electronic resource], 2019-mode 111 dostup:
88. workshop on Geoinformation technologies. QGIS ecology prirodopolzovanie [electronic resource], 2016-29-mode dostupa:
99. Fedotova E. L., Portnov E. M. Applied Information Technologies : Lecturer [electronic resource]: Izdatelsky Dom forum, 2020 - 336-mode dostupa:
1010. Hnykina A. G. Information Technologies [Electronic resource], 2017 - 126 - Access mode: