Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
CT 4381 Chemical Technology төртінші курс 5 150 1 - 2
Course Descriptions
Altynbekova Minash Orazbayevna

The discipline studies the theoretical foundations of chemical technology, natural raw materials and means of production, prospects for the development of the most important industries in the technology of inorganic and organic substances.  The student develops practical skills in the application of types of chemical reactions, processing methods used in chemical industries, studying the parameters of technological modes, using modern technologies. Conducts laboratory experiments, mastering the choice of optimal ways of implementing and managing them in the production of various substances, products, materials, products.



Group work, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, creative learning methods

1He knows the theoretical foundations of chemical technology and applies it in the study of chemical industries
2He has the skills of laboratory analysis and applies them in quality control of production and products;
3Collects information in the field of research, captures the advantages and disadvantages of information;
4He thinks constructively, proves his point of view by appealing to ideas
5Clarifies social and ethical values based on social norms
6Shows tolerance to the culture of other nations
7He is able to conduct chemical experimental experiments at a competent professional level;
8Uses modern methods and equipment for conducting research in the field of chemistry
9Evaluates the student's self-development, to what extent he has acquired practical skills and knowledge gained in chemistry
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Scientific bases of chemical production. Organization of chemical production. Classification of chemical productions depending on the technological basis. Technical and economic indicators. Intensification of chemical technology processes. Main ways of development of chemical technologyпрезентация
2Raw materials, intermediate products, production waste. Types of raw materials. Stock of raw materials. Minerals are the raw materials of the chemical industry. Flotationпрезентация
3Water. Description of natural water and its impurities. Preparation of water for use in chemical industryСұрақ-жауап
4Energy in chemical industries. Types of energy in chemical production. Energy source. Rational use of energy.Ауызша
5Basic laws of chemical technology. Homogeneous and heterogeneous processes. Theoretical and practical yield of the productЖазбаша
6Types, properties and areas of use of sulfuric acid. Obtaining sulfur oxide. Cleaning and drying of burnt gas. Development trends of sulfuric acid productionАуызша және жазбаша
7Nitrogen compounds. Ammonia synthesis. Production of nitric acid. Methods of production and purification of hydrogen and nitrogen mixture from natural gastest
8Phosphorous fertilizers and their classification. Phosphate raw material. Heterogeneous processes and reactions of simple and double superphosphate saturation. Double superphosphate.Ауызша және жазбаша
9Treatment of phosphates with nitric acid. Obtaining complex fertilizers, their properties and useЖазбаша
10Urea synthesis. Properties of urea and their use as raw materials in the production of fertilizers, animal feed and plasticsАуызша
11Electrolysis of water solutions, melts. Processing of caustic soda and chlorine by electro-chemical method. Physico-chemical basis of production of chlorine and caustic soda.test
12Metals. Ferrous metals Iron production. Steel production. Aluminum and its ingots. Aluminum oresСұрақ-жауап
13Silicate industry. New silicate materials. Raw materials in the production of silicate substances. Glass, their classification, propertiesЖазбаша
14Fuel is a chemical industrial raw material. Solid fuel processing. Products of solid fuel processing, their importance. Coke gasАуызша және жазбаша
15Industrial organic synthesis. Technology of organic substances. Basic processes and raw materials in organic synthesis industries. Syntheses based on carbon (II) oxide. Syntheses based on olefins. Syntheses based on acetylene.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Hımıalyq tehnologıa 1: oqý quraly. 2016. J.Q. Qaıyrbekov, E. A. Áýbákirov, N. Q. Jákirova
2Jalpy hımıalyq tehnologıa. Oqý quraly. Almaty, 2018. A.Q.Qaldybaeva.
3Jalpy hımıalyq tehnologıasy. Oqý quraly. Almaty.2014. J.K.Qaıyrbekov, E.A.Áýbákirov, J.K.Myltyqbaeva
4Hımıalyq prosester tehnologıasy. Oqýlyq. Almaty, 2016. Jakob A.Moýljın, Mıshel Makkı, Annelıez E.Van Dıepen
5Hımıalyq tehnologıanyń negizgi úderisteri men apparattary' páni boıynsha test tapsyrmalary. Oqý quraly. 2019. Eshova J.T., Aqbaeva D.N
6Hımıalyq tehnologıalardyń teorıalyq negizderi: dárister kýrsy. Oqýlyq. / V. V. Merkýlov, A. I. Almazov, R. Q. Jaslan. - Almaty : Evero, 2023. - 344 s.
7Hımıa tehnologıalyq úderisterdi basqarý júıesi. Oqý quraly. / K. E. Arystanbaev, A. M. Mambaeva. - Almaty : Evero, 2023. - 140 s
8Beıorganıkalyq zattardyń hımıalyq tehnologıasy: praktıkým. 2020. Qaıyrbekov J.Q., Áýbákirov E.A., Tashmuhambetova J.H., Vasılına G.K., Ermoldına E.T
9Hımıalyq tehnologıalardyń teorıalyq negizderi: dárister kýrsy/ V. V. Merkýlov, A. I. Almazov, R. Q. Jaslan. - Almaty : TechSmith, 2022. - 344 s
10Qalabaeva, M.Q Beıorganıkalyq zattardyń hımıalyq tehnologıasy: Oqý quraly. - Almaty: Qazaq ýnıversıteti, 2016. ISBN 978-601-04-1870-7.