Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
CE 63109 Clinical endodontics Алтыншы курс 4 120 3 5 -
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
1learns to distinguish between types of endodontic diseases, their classification according to international nomenclature, clinic, comparative characteristics and treatment methods;
2He learns the skills of recognizing urgent endodontic conditions and providing emergency emergency care
3applies effective communication skills in communicating with colleagues, patients and their families;
4demonstrates commitment to professional tasks and compliance with ethical principles in various conditions and diseases of patients.
5performs centralized patient care (collection of anamnesis, examination, evaluation of clinical analysis, differential diagnosis, preparation of a treatment plan, execution of medical procedures);
6demonstrate the ability to investigate and evaluate patient treatment outcomes, evaluate and implement treatment principles.
7It is used in the sequence of emergency endodontic treatment
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes