Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BIE 3286 Biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology Үшінші курс 5 150 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Meirbekov Abdilda Tursunkhanovich

The discipline studies the biochemical foundations of the vital activity of living organisms, the role of the vital processes of chemical elements at the organizational and cellular levels, the composition, properties of macro-, microelements, basic minerals, their impact on the safety of life. The student studies geochemical landscapes, the effect of toxic substances on ecosystems, forms ideas about barriers, xenobiotics. As a result, conduct environmental monitoring, propose solutions to identified problems, and organize environmental safety activities.



Teamwork, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case studies.

11. Acquires knowledge about biogeochemistry.
22. Has knowledge about the biosphere and its evolution.
33. Acquires knowledge and data on global turnover.
44. Acquires knowledge about toxicology.
55. Has knowledge about the ingress of toxic substances into the environment and the body
66. Possesses data on toxicants in the natural environment and agricultural products.
77. Has information about toxicants used in the fertility of agricultural lands.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Radiation ecology and its history. The history of the development and creation of biogeochemistryАуызша
2Evolutionary biogeochemistryАуызша
3The chemical composition of the Earth's crust as a biospheric factorАуызша және жазбаша
4Living matterАуызша және жазбаша
5Biogeochemistry of the Earth's gas envelopeЖазбаша
6Biogeochemistry of the pedosphereЖазбаша
7Mass distribution and mass transfer cycles of chemical elements in the biospheretest
8Circulation of elements trapped in the biosphere as a result of mantle degassingпрезентация
9The main directions of toxicology and ecotoxicology and types of environmental pollution with ecotoxicantsЖазбаша
10Classification of the main types of harmful substances (poisons) and poisoningСөздік
11Biochemical bases of the toxic effect of chemicalsАуызша
12Ingestion, transportation, distribution, modification and excretion of poisons into the bodyАуызша
13Accumulation and combined effect of poisonsАуызша және жазбаша
14The main toxicants of the natural environment and agricultural productsАуызша
15Environmental pollution by substances and compounds used in crop productiontest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Tanasheva M. R., Beisembayeva L. K.,Kalabayeva M. Environmental chemistry: textbook Almaty: Kazakh UN, 2015.
22. William, M. White. Translated from English by A. B. Baibatsha, N. S. Dalabaeva. Geochemistry: Volume 1, textbook. Almaty: LLP Rpbk 'Era', 2017.
33. A. E. Orazbayev, A. T. Kuatbayev, A. B. Kerimkulova. Methodological manual on the discipline biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology. - Almaty: Kazakh Un, 2018.
44. G. Zh. Medeuova, K. N. Zhailybay. Ecotoxicology. Training manual. / - Almaty: Evero, 2023. - 212 P.
55. Frumin G.T. Ecological toxicology (Ecotoxicology). St. Petersburg, 2013.
66. Environmental toxicology (Ecotoxicology). St. Petersburg, 2013.
77. E. M. Korabaev. Veterinary toxicology and toxicological analysis. The textbook. / - Almaty: Lantar trade, 2021 . - 327 P.
88. Machulina N.Yu. Geochemistry of the environment.Ukhta, 2015
99.. N. M. Omarova. Environmental monitoring of Kazakhstan 2018-2020. Monograph / - Almaty : TechSmith, 2022. - 112 pages