Information Systems
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BEV 3216 Cloud Computing and Virtualization Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Lecturer G.N.Niyazova

The issues of cloud computing architecture and training to implement the principles of cloud computing, the creation of cloud storage, user management and cloud computing environment are considered.

Fundamentals of GIS technology

Robotic systems

Method of project work, method of improving professional skills, project method

1Can make decisions and interpret threats to the security of operating system information.
2Summarizes the monitoring of the functioning of software and hardware protection of information in information systems.
3Knows information security solutions in information systems.
4Explains the implementation of monitoring of managed network devices.
5Uses archiving server management tools.
6Knows how to use operating system management tools.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Basics of Cloud Computing.
2Trends in the development of modern infrastructure solutions.
3Features of cloud technologies and cloud computing.
4Cloud computing processes and their models.
5The process of cloud management, its mathematical models and modeling.
6Technical systems as a means of implementing cloud technologies.
7Web services in the cloud.
8Cloud computing platforms of the world's leading companies.
9Google Cloud Services.
10Microsoft Cloud Environment.
11Private cloud: architecture and management of private cloud, application migration to the cloud.
12Virtualization. Advantages and disadvantages.
13Network virtualization.
14Virtualization Solutions.
15Server Virtualization.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Bulttyk esepteu negіzderі. Oku kuraly. [Tekst] / G. D. Koshanova. - Turkіstan : Turan, 2016. - 203 s. - ISBN 978-601-7084-35-6 : B. c. Koshanova, G. D.
2Informacionno-kommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2017. Bastau Almaty. T. B. Nurpejsova, I. N. Kajdash
3Arhitekturnye reshenija sovremennyh komp'juterov Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie MINSK 2016. M. A. Akinfina, S. P. Bondarenko
4Internet tehnologijalary. Oқu-әdіstemelіk kural, S. S. Maulenov, Zh. A. Ajmeshov, 2017, Turan, 93
5Serіk M Bultty tehnologija negіzderі. Oku kuraly. 2018