Computer Science, ICT and Robotic Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BDK 2278 Program and data security discipline Екінші курс 4 120 15 30
Course Descriptions
candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G. Niyazova

The discipline teaches the organization of systems and networks, basic principles, terminology, OSI model, methods of connecting to the Internet: e-mail (E-mail); Usenet, TelNet, FTP technologies and electronic means of communication;issues of information and intellectual property protection. Teaches modern methods of Information Protection; Security models and their application; cryptography methods; security criteria of computer systems.

The method of project work, the method of improving professional skills.

1mathematical modeling of problems posed in professional activities
2develops a program in programming environments (Android, C# ) with mathematical modeling of 2-problems
3develops programs in programming environments (C++, Python) with mathematical modeling of problems posed in professional activities
4develops 4-database systems
5develops a mobile application with the development of database applications, security systems
6develops a website in service
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Conceptual foundations of Technical Information Protection. Basic information protection technologies.
2Requirements and recommendations for the protection of information processed by computer equipment
3Classification of technical channels of information leakage
4Classification of hazards and defense objects
5Basic and extended requirements and recommendations for defense in the formation
6Classification of technical channels of information leakage. Information signal and its characteristics
7Conceptual foundations of Technical Information Protection. Basic information protection technologies.
8Requirements and recommendations for the protection of information processed by computer equipment
9Information signal and its characteristics
10Architectural standards for information security
11International standard 'general criteria'
12Protective profiles created on the basis of 'general criteria'
13British Standard BS 7799
14US federal standard FIPS 140-2 'security requirements for cryptographic modules'
15Artificial intelligence in expert systems
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Babash, A.V. Informatsiina bezpeka. Laboratory workshop: Navchalniy posibnik / A. V. Babakh, E. K. Baranova, E. N. Melnikov. - M.: Knorus, 2016 — - 136
2Ganer, V. V. ystitutsina bezpeka: Navchalniy posibnik / V. V. Ganer. - RNN / D: Phoenix, 2017 — - 324
3Gromov, Yu. Yu. Informatsiina bezpeka da zahist informatsiï: Navchalniy posibnik / Yu. Yu. Gromov, V. O. Drachov, O. G. Ivanova. - St. Oskol: TNT 2017,. - 384 P
4Efimova, L. L. Informatsiina bezpeka ditei. I. A. koscherga: monograph / L. L. E. Mova, S. A. Kocherga. - M.: nitki-pieces, 2016. - 239 p
5Additional: 5. Zapechnikov, S. V. Informatsiina bezpeka vidkritikh system. In 2 — x T. T. 1 — zagrozi, urazlivosty, Ataki I pidkhodi to zahistu / S. V. Zapechnikov, N. Miloslavska G.-M.: GLT 2017,. - 536 P