Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BB 3230 Pricing Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh

The pricing subject provides information on price formation and systematization in the economy. An understanding of the dynamics and structure of the implementation of the price policy by the enterprise, the principles and factors of price formation, the main directions in the use of the price mechanism and the principles of price regulation in the market economy is given.

Financial management
Finance I

narrating, explaining, providing information, question-answer, work in small groups, work in pairs; tests

1builds knowledge on pricing in economics and financial markets
2applies knowledge and skills in practice.
3Can organize pricing and analysis of the financial and credit system in the economy
4can use domestic and foreign sources of information in solving analytical and research problems, legislative and regulatory legal documents in price regulation
5can assess and analyze the effectiveness of state pricing in the financial and budget sphere.
6Able to predict the choice of pricing strategy in economics, evaluate and analyze the quality of pricing policy analysis.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical bases of pricing
2Value bases of price and market position
3Pricing procedure and periods of its appointment
4Price system and their classification
5Factors influencing the price
6Pricing and inflation
7Pricing methods
8Market method of pricing
9A cost-effective method of pricing
10World prices
11Foreign trade prices
12Pricing policy of the firm: pricing stages, methods, strategies
13Choosing a firm's pricing strategy
14Formation of price policy in a competitive environment
15Assessment of risk in making prices
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Baғa belgіleu. Oқu құraly [Tekst] / Z. B. Ahmetova, A. B. Alikbaeva, M. Belғozhaқyzy. - Almaty : Қazaқ un-tі, 2018. - 250 s. - ISBN 978-601-04-3407-3 : B. c.
2Әbdіқұlova, P.Zh., Sarzhanov, T.S.Baғa zhәne baғany belgіleu : Oқu құraly. / ҚazҰAU. - Almaty: ҚazҰAU, 2012. - 218 b. - (Қazaқstan Respublikasy bіlіm ғylym ministrlіgі). - ISBN 978-601-241-317-5.
3Baranova, N.A., Sulejmenova, S.E.Baғa ornatu : Oқu құraly. . - Қostanaj: A. Bajtұrsynov atyndaғy ҚMU, 2019. - 139 b. - ISBN 978-601-7985-65-3.
4Korporativnye finansy. Uchebnik. Almaty. 2016. K.K.Zhүjrіkov Қarzhy pәnіnen oқu- әdіstemelіk құral, Tүrkіstan 2020, G.Azretbergenova