Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BAQTS 3213 Media language and style Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Sadikov S.

The purpose of the discipline is to encourage students to focus on important aspects of journalistic excellence, such as language and style. Special attention is paid to improving the competence of students and improving the language culture.The discipline is aimed at teaching the ability to differentiate linguistic and stylistic features of newspaper and magazine materials, television and radio broadcasts.

Creative workshop of a publicist

Multi-media journalism

presentation, exchange of views.

1Knows the peculiarities of the language and style of the media ;
2master the content and essence of the writing style ;
3Understands mutual stylistic features in the genres of journalism;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Newspaper genres and their linguistic, stylistic features. The concept of style.Ауызша
2Linguistic features of the information genreАуызша
3Features of correspondenceАуызша
4Requirements for newspaper genres in terms of language and styleАуызша
5Ways to influence the language and style of newspaper genresАуызша
6Problems of language culture in the pressАуызша
7Views of style types in the pressАуызша
8Language and style of advertising materials in the pressАуызша
9Language of the telecastАуызша
10The role of phraseology, Proverbs, catchphrases on the radioАуызша
11The question of the style of radio broadcastsАуызша
12Radio language, style studiesАуызша
13Specificity of spoken language and radio languageАуызша
14The norm of literary language and its character in radio broadcastsАуызша
15Language imaging and acoustics of radio broadcastsАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Қазақстандағы практикалық журналистика. «MediaNet»Халықаралық журналистика орталығы, – Алматы, 2017.Авторлар: Әділ Джалилов, Анджела Ищанова, Жұлдыз Әбділда.
2Искусство речи для радио и тележурналистов, 2017 http:\\ cb96abf243050f426ce888bafbac
3Ыбрайым Ә.О. Стилистика және редакциялау. Алматы, 2012.Әдістемелік құрал.
4Садықов С. Публицистің шығармашылық шеберханасы. Әдістемелік құрал., Алматы,2013.
5Барлыбаева С., Мысаева К.Конвергентная журналистика . Учебник/ -Алматы,2016.
6Стилистика және редакциялау. Оқу құралы / Алматы, 2014 ж.