Information Systems
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BAATZhB 4201 Business Analyst and IT Project Management төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Associate Professor M.A. G. N. Kazbekova

This subject deals with issues related to opening up the possibilities of the IT project management process. The course forms theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills of students to solve problems arising from IT project management; Development of skills and practical skills of effective management of IT-projects, ensuring achievement of results defined in the project, its composition and scope, cost, time, quality and satisfaction of project participants.


Technologies that ensure information security

Group work, work in pair, learning and study, blitz-questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case stage, developmental teaching method, poster protection, jigsaw method, creativity teaching methods, Group work, cloud technology, IT method, Case -study method, group project work method, problem composition method, mini-research method, project work method, professional skill improvement method.

1Can use information security methodology, data protection methods.
2Justifies managerial decision-making based on intellectual analysis of data, understands the technological features of potential solutions.
3Knows the features of the change management process in the organization when developing IT solutions.
4Internet resources, Cloud and mobile services for information search, storage, processing, protection and distribution, uses modern ICT to manage business efficiency.
5Uses the design methodology and technology according to the specifics of the IT project.
6Uses basic methods of business requirements analysis.
7Uses various types of information and communication technologies in personal activities.
8Uses basic methods of business requirements analysis.
9Designs IT solutions based on the development of business requirements for IT solutions and the analysis of business requirements.
10Development of specifications for the future product, evaluates and advises programmers and testers during product development.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Concept of project and project management.
2Methodology of project management.
3Project structural planning technique.
4Project management system.
5To justify the usefulness of projects.
6Implementation of individual modules of projects.
7Project analysis.
8Effectiveness of the project plan.
9Resource load balancing.
10Project risk management.
11Agreement between the continuation of the investment period and the need for resources.
12Responsibility of the project manager.
13Search for reservations. Quick resource management. Technological and interface solutions in monitoring support.
14Organizational views in the project management process and their support.
15Technical and organizational support for collective project management and working groups of managers in the accounting network. Personal accountability system for managers' work groups.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Software project management: Textbook, 2019, G. A. Kamalova, A. Kh. Kasymova
2Management of information systems. Teaching aid [Text] / Yu. V. Krutin. - Yekaterinburg: [b.i.], 2017
3Programming technology: Educational and methodological complex, 2021, G. A. Tyulepberdinova
4Project management: Electronic textbook. / L.N. Kulbaeva, E.G. Klyueva, A.E. Ospanova; Karaganda State Technical University. - Karaganda: KSTU, 2019.
5Management of IT projects: Study guide. / Rudna Industrial Institute. - Rudny: RII, 2019. - 87 c. - ISBN 978-601-7994-17-4,
6Management of software projects: Electronic textbook. / L.N. Kulbaeva, E.G. Klyueva, A.E. Ospanova; Karaganda State Technical University. - Karaganda: KarGTU, 2019,