Foreign language: two foreign languages (English - Chinese)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ATS 4338 English Stylistics төртінші курс 5 3 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
PhD. Khalmatova Z.

The subject “English stylistics’ studies the problems of English stylistics, the system and function of target language, the principles and methods of stylistic analysis

he subject deals with problems of style, defining stylistic expressive means and stylistic devices and explanation of their usage



1. Group work, work in pair, learning and study, IT method, Case -study method, group project work method, Silent way method, Project based approach technology,

2. dialogue, c blitz-questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case stage, developmental teaching method, poster protection, jigsaw method, creativity teaching methods, Group work, cloud technology,  

3. creative thinking, problem composition method, mini research method, project work method, professional skill improvement method, Notetaking techniques

4. communicative method, Dvolver moviemaker, Numerizer, Think-Pair-Share method, PPP method, Task-based Learning method, Jigsaw method, problem composition method,

5. Modular learning technology, Brainstorming, Collaborative and cooperative learning, TBL-Task based learning

1Can provide a brief definition and content of the stylistic system of the language, its function and the principles and methods of stylistic analysis;
2Can compare the features of stylistic methods of texts of different genres;
3Forms theoretical knowledge about the function, nature, theoretical aspect of linguistics, various aspects and features, can use definitions and other sources of information professionally;
4The concept of style is used with speech and its forms; improves knowledge of language structure and principles of language theory;
5Learns to quickly switch from one language to another while receiving and memorizing text;
6The main form of study of stylistics is effective use of language tools at all levels (lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntactic);
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Style and stylistics.
2Expressive means and stylistic devices (EMs and SDs)
3The linguistic term-meaning.
4Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices
5Lexical EMs and SDs:
6Epithet and Oxymoron. Antonomasia.
7Intensification of a certain feature of thing or phenomenon
8Hyperbole. Peculiar use of set expressions.
9Syntactical EMs and SDs: Compositional patterns of syntactical arrangement.
10Syntactical Ems and SDs: Compositional patterns of syntactical arrangement. Parallel Construction.
11Syntactical EMs and SDs: 1. Repetition and its types. 2. Stylistic enumeration.
12Syntactical EMs and SDs: 1. Suspense. 2. Climax (Gradation). 3. Antithesis.
13Syntactical EMs and SDs: 1. Particular ways of combining parts of the utterance (Linkage). 2. Asyndeton. 3. Polysendeton.
14Syntactical EMs and SDs: 1. Particular use of colloquial constructions. 2. Ellipses. 3. Break-in-the narrative (Apostopesis). 4. Question-in-the narrative
15Syntactical EMs and SDs: 1. Syntactical use of structural meaning. 2. Rhetorical questions. 3.Litotes.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Contemporary Stylistics. Оқулық. Edinburg University Press, 2018. Alison Gibbons and Sara Whitley.
2TheWestern Literary Tradition. Hackett Publishing. Оқулық. Company, 2020. Margaret L. King
3The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics. Оқулық. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Peter Stockwell, Sara Whiteley.
4English-Kazakh dictionary. Almaty. Kazygurt, 2018.
5Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New 9th edition. Oxford University Press, 2015.
6Stylistics. A resource book for students. Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2014.