Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
АTM 4310 Рroblems Theory of Literature төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Ph.D. in Philology, docent m.a. Tolysbaeva A.

Master theoretical and practical problems of literary studies, eras of the development of Kazakh literature; 
having mastered the scientific principles of the analysis of the work, the knowledge necessary for the study of the history of literature and the work of art is formed. Able to distinguish positions in literature, analyze them individually. Improves self-development, increasing the results of professional activity. He deeply Masters in theoretical terms the concepts and categories that make up the science of literary criticism. Studies theoretical and practical problems of literary studies, eras of the development of Kazakh literature.

XX century in Kazakh literary studies IV

 1. Group work
 2. Critical thinking
3. Creative search
 4. Reproductive method
  5. Design

1Knows and masters the nature of the development of modern Kazakh literature.
2Understands artistic innovation in Kazakh prose
3Knows the analysis, development and formation of literary theory
4Knows and analyzes the types and genres of Kazakh prose
5Differentiates and summarizes thematic and problematic searches in the Kazakh poem
6Knows the values of modern Kazakh literature, understands its place and value in the scientific research system, analyzes the history of development and current situation.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. week Theoretical Basic concepts about aesthetics. Scientific in the Middle Ages judgments. Objected Information about aesthetics, the main concepts of the Middle Ages. Aesthetic considerations in ancient times and the Middle AgesАуызша
22. week Theoretic Basic categories of aesthetics. Objected Aesthetic demand, categories of aesthetics, differentiation of sublimity, beauty, tragedy, aesthetic taste, aesthetic ideal.Ауызша
33. week Theoretical features of the development of literary and aesthetic thought in Kazakhstan and Central Asia Objected The effect of ancient sagas on the formation of scientific views related to various fields of social sciences (history, philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, pedagogy, psychology, etc.) Works of Al-Farabi et alСөздік
44. week Theoretical Systematization of literary and aesthetic ideas in Kazakh literary studies at the beginning of the 20th century Objected is about research ideas and scientific researches that began to take shape in Kazakh literary studies at the beginning of the 20th centuryАуызша
55. week Theoretical Aesthetics and literary science. Function of literature as an art and connection with other sciences. Objected The relationship between literary science and aesthetics. Basic aspects of literary theory.Ауызша
66. week Theoretical on the nature of fiction. Image and image problem Objected Concepts of image and imageryСөздік
77. week Theoretical Korkem creativity. Text and work. Artistic integrity. Content and form. Objected Artistic work, text, hermeneutics, artistic structure understanding of natureСөздік
88. week Theoretical Visual objects. The problem of time and space in fiction. Objected Time and space, chronotope, address, cultural space, art Epic ruckus space, artistic time.Ауызша
99. week Theoretical Visual objects. Character. The plot. Motive. Landscape. Psychologism. Objected Analysis of the role of imagery in the structure of a work of art. Theorists. Detail. findings.Ауызша
1010. week Theore Subjects of representation: Image of the author. Author and narrator. Types of narrators. Science of narratology. Objected Conclusions about the concepts of the author and the narrator, who are the subjects of the imageСөздік
1111. week Theoretical Composition. Aspects of composition. Describing mentalizing. Dialogue, monologue. Objected Explaining the role and function of composition in the text based on analysisАуызша
1212. week Theoretical Genres and types of literature. Literary genres theory. Objected ormulation of literary genres and types on the basis of analysisАуызша
1313. week Theoretical Literary process. The problem of tradition and innovation in art culture. Objected Literary process, historicity, tradition, innovation, literary development, literary change.Ауызша
1414. week Theoretical s an artistic method. Currents and trends in literature. Schools in literary studies Objected Romanticism, realism, classicism, naturalism, sentimentalism, modernism, postmodernism, etcСөздік
1515. week Theoretical Poem is a word. A poem is a structure of words. Objected Collection of poem system problems. Poem dimensionsСөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Әдебиет теориясы:КІРІСПЕ.-Алматы:2019.-292бет.
22. Әдебиет теориясы:АНТОЛОГИЯ 1-Алматы:2019.-568бет
33. Әдебиет теориясы:АНТОЛОГИЯ 2-Алматы:2019.-372бет.
44. Әдебиет теориясы:АНТОЛОГИЯ 3-Алматы:2019.-440бет
55. Әдебиет теориясы:АНТОЛОГИЯ 4-Алматы:2019.-452бет.
66. Ісімақова А.С.Қазіргі әдебиеттанудың теориялық мәселелері «Елтаным баспасы»,- А,2015