Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Ast 43100 Astrophysics төртінші курс 5 150 1 1 2
Course Descriptions
S.M. Bekbaev, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer

The purpose of the subject is to form an understanding of the structure and composition of the world around us, from the Solar System to the observed boundaries of the world.



1.team work,


3.development teaching method

11. can formulate the importance of using tools in life
21. understands the principles of working with optoelectronic microcircuits and electro-optical, magneto-optical and other information converters
31. knows how to observe, classify, compare, describe and analyze physical objects; organizes the improvement and management of the plan of physical scientific research;
41. processes the results of scientific research and uses computer programs
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. Week Lecture Introduction to the subject. Astronomy subject, main problems, methods and instruments. Practical Laboratory The main elements of the celestial sphere
22. Week Lecture Constellations. Star maps. Practical Laboratory The main elements of the celestial sphere
33. Week Lecture Ecliptic. Ecliptic coordinate system. Spherical triangle. Practical Laboratory Protection of laboratory work
44. Week Lecture Determination of the Earth's radius. The shape and dimensions of the earth. Determining the distance to celestial bodies. Methods of determining distances and measurements in the solar system Practical Laboratory Little Star Atlas.
55. Week Lecture Lunar and Solar Eclipses. Moon's orbit and its sleep. Moon cycles. Solar eclipse. Lunar eclipse. Basic conditions for solar and lunar eclipses. Practical Laboratory A moving map of the starry sky.
66. Week Lecture Planets Practical Laboratory Protection of laboratory work
77. Week Lecture Companions of the planets Practical Laboratory Configurations of planets
88. Week Lecture Physical nature of stars. Practical Laboratory Types of synodical period
99. Week Lecture Binary stars and determining the masses of stars Practical Laboratory Spectrum and brightness of stars
1010. Week Lecture Heroic and lyrical poems. Sypyra Zhyrau Surgantayuly Practical Laboratory Protection of laboratory work
1111. Week Lecture Our galaxy Practical Laboratory Masses, densities and radii of stars
1212. Week Lecture Movement of the stars and the solar system Practical Laboratory Visual observation of the starry sky
1313. Week Lecture Star system and megagalaxy Practical Laboratory Protection of laboratory work
1414. Week Lecture Elements of the journal Practical Laboratory Learning the construction of telescopes, observing the sun15. Week Lecture Elements of globalization Practical Laboratory Protection of laboratory work
1515. Week Lecture Elements of globalization Practical Laboratory Protection of laboratory workАуызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. D.I. Kenzhaliyev. Astrophysics. Textbook. 2019.https://elib.kz/ru/search/read_book/4943/
22. Shevchuk E.P., Smolina G.S., Bektasova G.S., K.T. Imanjanova, P.D. Galitovskaya. The basis is physics and astronomy. Short course lecture /– Almaty: TechSmith, 2019. https://elib.kz/ru/
31. G.S. Altayeva. Astronomy: Educational and methodological complex. 2015.
42. Sahibullin N.A. , Bikmaev I.F. Theoretical astrophysics. Stellar atmosphere. 2015
53. Bronnikov K.A., Rubin S.G. Lecture on gravitation and cosmology. Study guide. MIFI, 2008. 460 str.
64. Vladimirov Yu.S. Metaphysics. 2nd search. rework ball.. 2009 588 str.
75. R. Penrose. The path to reality, or the laws that govern the universe. Complete guide. 2007 910 str.
86. M.M. Dagaev, V.M. Charugin, Astrophysics - Almaty 'Rauan' 1994.