Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
АО4219 Plant pests Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sikhimbayev Amirbek

Planning of measures for the systematic control of crops against harmful organisms and against them. Formation of general theoretical foundations about harmful organisms of agricultural crops. Practical control of harmful organisms. Planning of measures for the systematic control of crops against harmful organisms and against them.



Group work, brainstorming, exchange of ideas, critical thinking

1LO8 - restoration of nature and use of bioresources, to know the methods of applied research in the management of environmental industries, uses biological scientific concepts
2LO11 - by forming the business skills of using theoretical and experimental research methods, mastering the skills of research-research activity, analysis, can draw conclusions on research results.
3LO12 - studies biological objects in the field and laboratory, scientifically plans, organizes classroom and field observations of scientific research activities, compiles scientific and technical projects and reports, collects and differentiates the obtained information.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Features of agricultural productionЖазбаша
2Pests of agricultural cropsЖазбаша
3Ways to combat crop diseasesЖазбаша
4Calculation of pests and entomophages of agricultural cropsЖазбаша
5General characteristics of the main groups of agricultural pestsЖазбаша
6Types of pest damage to plantsЖазбаша
7Annual cereals are pests of legumesЖазбаша
8Pests of perennial legume forage cropsЖазбаша
9Pests of sugar beetЖазбаша
10Diseases of sugar beetЖазбаша
11Pests of cabbage cropsЖазбаша
12Diseases of cucumbers in open and closed areasЖазбаша
13Diseases of tomatoes and carrotsЖазбаша
14Onion pestsЖазбаша
15Applied drugs against pests and diseases of agricultural cropsЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Қорғалған топырақтың зиянкестері мен аурулары. Оқу құралы. Тұран баспахансы, Түркістан 2020 ж. Р.А.Дайрабаев
2Өсімдіктер және жануарлар экологиясы. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал, Тұран баспаханасы. Түркістан, 2018. Р.А.Дайрабаев.
3.Орман және жеміс дақылдарының зиянкес бөжектері Алматы 2011.
4Учебное пособие по курсу физиология растений. Туркестан : Туран, 2013 А. К. Убайдуллаева. А.М. Бостанова
5Физиология древесных растений Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины. 2012 Савенкова И.В.