Chemistry-Biology Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
АН2289 Analytical chemistry Екінші курс 5 150 1 - 2
Course Descriptions
Sarbayeva G.T.

The discipline forms knowledge and skills to determine the chemical composition of a substance in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems in the context of the law of interacting masses, which forms the theoretical basis of chemical analysis. With the help of modern laboratory facilities, the student formulates patterns of phenomena and processes, determines the mechanisms of the process. He is trained to apply practical skills in solving experimental and problematic problems. Practices the use of various innovative methods of analysis, the application of acquired knowledge and skills in professional activities


element kimyası ve laboratuvarı


1. Team work

2. Modular teaching technology

3. Development of teaching technology

4. brainstorming, case-stage method

5. project work method

6. critical thinking

1Students are introduced to the theoretical basis of various chemical analysis methods
2Learns to use analytical methods in practice, to create new methods of analysis.
3Deeply examines the law of interacting masses, which forms the theoretical basis of qualitative analysis.
4Acquires knowledge about ways to determine the chemical composition of substances from homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.
5Learns to perform tasks of chemical analysis independently.
6Considers the effectiveness of partial and systematic analysis methods based on the results of the analysis;
7Ability to determine the importance of individual stages of analysis methods and can consider the work of determination as a whole;
8Can use the equipment and instruments of qualitative chemical semi-microanalysis method.
9When conducting quantitative analysis using methods of physico-chemical analysis, new highly sensitive and fast-acting methods of analysis are created, work is carried out to determine with high accuracy, and the results of the analysis are calculated.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Fundamentals and methods of Analytical Chemistry subject. Chemical
2The law of interacting masses is the theoretical basis of qualitative analysis
3Activity, activity coefficient of ions. Ionic strength of solutions.
4Calculation of pH. The role of buffer solutions in analytical chemistry.
5Law of interacting masses and equilibrium in heterogeneous processes.
6Sedimentation. Solubility of precipitate, amount and nature of precipitant. Fractional precipitation
7Solubility. Solubility of poorly soluble compounds (precipitates).
8Law of reactive masses and hydrolysis processes
9Methods of quantitative analysis. The basics of discipline. The value of gravimetric (weight) analysis.
10Precipitator selection and calculation. Precipitator conditions, complete deposition, maturation of the precipitate, purity of the precipitate.
11Titrimetric analysis and its meaning. Necessary conditions for conducting titrimetric analysis
12Titration curves, indicators of acid-base titration methods
13Theoretical bases of redoximetry methods, classification. Permanganatometry.
14Theoretical bases of deposition methods, classification
15Theoretical basis, application of complexonometry method
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Sarbaeva G.T., A.E. Kydyrbaeva K.T.Sarbaeva, A.N. Zhylysbaeva Analitik kimya. Çimkent Dünya Matbaası. 2018 - 312 sayfa
22. Analitik kimya. Ders Kitabı / B. S. Imangalieva. - Almatı: TechSmith, 2022. - 376 s
33. Kharitonov Yu.Ya Analitik kimya. Analitik 1. Genel teorik temeller, nitel analiz. Ders kitabı. 2018.
44. Abilkanova F.J. Analitik kimya, kimyasal analiz yöntemleri. 2018. - 280 sn.
55. Analitik kimya hesaplamalarının toplanması: akademik lisans öğrencileri için ders kitabı [Metin] / Zh. B. Mukajanova, Ş.K. Sanyazova, M.M. Nykmukanova, K. Kabul. - Almatı: TechSmith, 2022. - 244 s
66. Analitik ve fiziksel kimyanın teorik temelleri ve laboratuvar uygulamaları. Bir ders kitabı. Bölüm 1. / K. A. Jalilov. - Almatı: Evero, 2023. - 256 s
77. Chekotaeva A.N., Nurgalieva A.N. Analitik kimya (öğrencilerin bağımsız çalışmaları için çalışma-metodik araç). 2014. 260 s.
88. Ismailova A., Analitik kimya konusunda laboratuvar çalışmasının metodolojik talimatları ve görevleri Almatı: Kazakuniv-ti, 2020.-102p
99. Matakova R.N., Badavamova G.L. Analitik kimyada test görevleri: ders kitabı. 2015.- 192 s.
1010. Khozhina JH, Karilkhan A.K. Analitik Kimya. Karaganda: KarGTU, 2015
1111. Rube V.A., Timina A.J. Analitik kimyada çok dilli laboratuvar uygulamaları. 2016.