Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AKK 3282 Atomic structure and properties Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
S.M. Bekbaev

The course is a part of general physics. Considers the foundations of the emergence of the new quantum approach, the fact that the atom is a complex system, its first Thomson, Rutherford models, and radioactive phenomena. As a result of studying the subject, students understand the weakness of classical approaches based on quantum theory, and develop the ability to correctly understand the phenomena and processes in the atomic system from a modern point of view.

1. Brainstorming
2. narration
3. Develop a teaching method

11 - develops and implements methodological models, methodologies, technologies and methods of teaching in the field of physics, organizes and summarizes methodological experience in the professional field; ;
22 - able to work in a group, able to propose new solutions; synthesizes his conclusions and their justification to specialists and non-specialists;
33 - using modern educational methodology and technology, develops OC on subjects, independently conducts lectures and seminars; considers the main methods of obtaining, storing and processing information;
44 - prepares mathematical, physical and numerical modeling of processes of objects and technological structures in the field of physics research and making applied reports, statistical processing of experimental results;
55 - processing, generalizing the results of measurements by making experiments, considers using the studied processes
66 - discusses processing, generalization of measurement results by experimenting, calculations based on the model of the studied processes;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Types of radiation. Spectra, spectral instruments, the methodology of teaching topics of spectral analysis
2Thermal radiation, Types of radiation. Spectra, spectral instruments, spectral analysis
3Infrared and ultraviolet radiation. X-rays. Methodology of teaching topics of electromagnetic wave scale
4Thermal radiation. Stefan–Boltzmann and Wien's laws. Ultraviolet disaster. Methodology for teaching topics of Planck's formula
5Photo effect. Using the photo effect. Methodology for teaching photon topics
6Light pressure. Methodology of teaching topics of the chemical effect of light
7Methodology of teaching X-ray radiation topics
8Methodology of teaching topics of unity of corpuscular-wave nature of light
9Rutherford experiment on alpha particle scattering. Bohr's postulates. Methodology of teaching subjects of Frank and Hertz experiments
10Thermoelectric phenomena and thermal conductivity. Concept of non-linear optics. Methodology of teaching the topics of lasers
11Wave properties of particles. The difficulty of Bohr's theory, a methodology for teaching the topics of de Broglie waves
12Natural radioactivity. Law of radioactive decay. Atomic nucleus. Nucleon model of the nucleus. Isotopes. Methodology for teaching the topics of binding energy of nucleons in the nucleus
13Nuclear reactions. Methodology of teaching topics of artificial radioactivity
14Fission of heavy nuclei. Nuclear chain reaction. Methodology of teaching critical mass topics
15Biological effect of radioactive rays. Methodology of teaching the topics of Radiation Protection
16Nuclear reactor. Nuclear energy. Methodology of teaching topics of thermonuclear reactions
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Ядролық физика. 2 томдық. Оқу құралы. 1-том. Атом ядросы мен элементар бөлшектердің қасиеттері және сипаттамалары. 2-бас. / Н. Б. Қадыров, Ф. Б. Белисарова. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2016.
22. Ядролық физика және элементар бөлшектер физикасы. Кіріспе. Оқулық. - 2014. Б.Р. Марти
33. Ядролық реакциялар теориясы. Оқу құралы / М. Динейхан, С. А. Жауғашева, Г. Г. Сайдуллаева. - Алматы : Қазақ университеті, 2019.
44. Жалпы физика курсы бойынша есеп шығару үлгілері мен есептер жинағы: Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. / Құраст.: К.А. Бошкаев, Н. Қойшыбаев, Ж.А. Калымова, А.С. Таукенова. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2016.
55. Атомдық және ядролық физика (зертханалық жұмыстар): 2019. С. М. Бекбаев, Ә.Н. Құрмантаев, Т.А. Турмамбеков, Н.А. Шектибаев
66. Бактыбаев К. Абишев М.Е. Физика әлемі // Алматы: 'Қазақ энциклопедиясы' 2015 ж.