Information Systems
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AJHK 1249 Introduction to Academic Writing Бірінші курс 3 90 1 4 3
Course Descriptions
Associate professor M.A. Zh.S.Ismagulova

The discipline develops the skills and skills necessary for optimal writing of academic papers of various categories (essay, report, etc.). The discipline explains the genre, grammatical, stylistic and punctuation features of written speech, teaches students the methods of writing academic written works without errors. Develops skills in using World databases and online systems of scientific journals in the development of academic records.



IT method, group project work method, mini research method.

1Explains the academic subscription and its features.
2Remembers the rules of bibliographic compilation.
3Analyzes the main genres of academic writing.
4Write and demonstrate the texts of the academic department.
5States the hypothesis and ways to build it.
6Explains the principles of academic integrity, ethics.
7Selects methods for conducting research work.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Academic subscription and its specifics. Academic reading activity. Critical thinking and critical subscription, requirements.
2Work with literature on academic writing. Bibliographic compilation rules. Domestic and foreign standards.
3The essay and its structure. Types of essays. Argumentative essay. Essay consideration of the problem and its solution.
4The main genres of academic writing (abstract, opinion, analytical review, draft).
5Academic works. Academic texts. Purpose of an academic essay. Justification letter.
6Academic subscription process.Choose a theme. Search for information. Subscription process. Planning writing work. Write a paragraph.
7Presentation of the author's thoughts in academic works. Requirements for the use of other academic papers. Support and proof of opinion during the subscription.
8Write a thesis. Hypothesis and ways to build it. Forecasts, - experimental space, - theoretical knowledge in the studied direction.
9Summary-as a brief description. The structure of the resume, features of writing.
10Principles of academic integrity and ethics. The concept of plagiarism. Familiarization with methods and programs for checking written works for plagiarism (antiplagiat, strikeplagiarism). Plagiarism and ways to avoid it.
11Academic department texts. Introductory part, main part. Drawing up the final sections.
12Writing a research paper. Start research work. Prerequisites for a research project. Search for material for research work. The structure of the research work.
13Methods of conducting research work.Research methods.Collection of information by conducting interviews. Collecting data by taking a survey. Research selection. Research culture.
14Analysis and description of data in a research paper. Description of information and changes. Determining the relationship (correlation). Average value анықтау.
15Preparation of a project on the topic.Checking the text of the project for plagiarism. Preparing the project for defense.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Оспан Е.И.Аккадемиялық жазылым негіздері. Оқу құралы, Алматы- «Білік» баспасы 2020.
2Б.Б.Динаева, С.М.Сапина. Академиялық сауаттылықтың теориялық және практикалық негіздері. Оқу құралы, Нұр Сұлтан- 2020.
3С.М.Сапина. Б.Б.Динаева, Академиялық адалдық және ғылыми зерттеу жұмыстарын жазу технологиясы. Оқу әдістемелік құрал, Нұр Сұлтан- 2020.
4А.А.Баяхметова, Дусенбина М.Ж. Академическое письмо. язык и стиль академического письма. Учебное пособие . Костанай, 2019