Economics. Program
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AEK 6317 Kazakhstan in the global economy Екінші курс 6 180 2 2 0
Course Descriptions

The purpose of the discipline is to assess the changes taking place in the country aimed at modernizing and diversifying the domestic economy, analyzing the prospects for the development of the world economy, studying the problems of the national and world economy, understanding the essence of the economic processes taking place in the world and training specialists engaged in professional activities in various sectors of the economy, allowing to use the acquired knowledge in economic practice.

Аpplied economics

creative learning method, problem solving essay, problem learning method, brainstorming.

1Defines the main directions and geopolitical features of Kazakhstan's international economic policy
2Analyzes the impact of the problems of modern globalization on the economy of Kazakhstan
3Guided by the laws of the world economy, formulates new trends in the development of Kazakhstan and the world economy
4Makes effective decisions in the study of global problems of the world economy, assessing the integration processes of Kazakhstan with foreign countries
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1World politics and international economic relationsЖазбаша
2Trends in the development of the world economy and their impact on KazakhstanСұрақ-жауап
3Modern foreign policy of the Republic of KazakhstanЖазбаша
4Kazakhstan and international organizationsАуызша және жазбаша
5The Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of international economic relationsЖазбаша
6Foreign trade of the Republic of KazakhstanАуызша және жазбаша
7Integration processes of Kazakhstan with foreign countriesАуызша және жазбаша
8Kazakhstan and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization; history and development prioritiesАуызша және жазбаша
9Economic integration of Kazakhstan into the EurAsECСұрақ-жауап
10Kazakhstan's macroeconomic prospects and new investment horizonsАуызша және жазбаша
11Assessment of inclusive and sustainable growth in KazakhstanЖазбашаСұрақ-жауап
12Global problems in the global economyАуызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Griffin W. Ricky, Pasty W. Michael International Business: Bir Ders Kitabı / Aud. A. M. Berzhanova., E. Z. Şalbulova. - Almatı: 2012. - 1000 sayfa
2Hill, C., Hult, T. Uluslararası ticaret: Küresel pazarda rekabet. Ders kitabı-Bölüm 12. Almatı 2019
3Jakupova S. T. Bölgesel Ekonomik Entegrasyonda Kazakistan, Ders Kitabı, Almatı Kazak Üniversitesi 2019
4K. A. Turkeyeva, G. A. Badaubayeva ve diğerleri, Orta Asya ülkelerinin küresel zorluklar karşısında bölgesel ekonomik etkileşim stratejileri. Monografi. - Viyana, Avusturya: Assots.bakış açısı.araştırdım. ve yüce.şekil. 'Doğu-Batı', 2015.
5V. Yu Додонов Қазақстанның халықаралық инвестициялық ынтымақтастығы: үрдістер, факторлар, перспективалар. / V. Yu. Dodonov . - NрR-SлтLtán : Cumhurbaşkanı JanyndaғyСSY, 2019. - 208 s