English Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ААК 2231 Introduction to English Literature Екінші курс 4 120 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Makenova Gaukhar Tanirbergenovna

Introduction to English Literature, literary genres, literary elements and techniques. In this course, students get introduced with general overview of English literature,  its relation to other disciplines,  with the historical and literary process, the laws of literary development and artistic works. The main features of literary concepts such as literary image and ways of its creation, mythical, romantic, realistic image differences,  literary genres and writer's style are taught.


Introduction to English Linguistics

1. work in group, work in pair
2. creative thinking
3. Brainstorming
4. Notetaking techniques
5. Modular teaching technology
6. TBL-Task based learning

11. Related to linguistics as a part of philology - the function, nature of linguistics forms theoretical knowledge about various sides and features of the theoretical aspect of linguistics
22. Gets acquainted with the content of the main directions, concepts and theories of modern language education, gets acquainted with the structure of language and the principles of language theory as the central methodological problems of all modern science
33. Develops professional theoretical and linguistic thinking skills; learns to perceive the theoretical aspect of linguistics in a historical context
44. Develops communication skills in society and professional environment
55. Uses knowledge in Kazakh, Russian, foreign languages, communication technology, pedagogical rhetoric and conflictology
66. Implements skills and abilities within the framework of constructive dialogue
77. Masters the ability and tolerance for pedagogical cooperation
88. Conducts research in the fields of literary studies and philology and linguistics
99. Can compare and contrast foreign literature and Kazakh literature, studies and analyzes
1010. Masters to perform literary and stylistic analysis of the work
1111. Uses the main principles, directions and ideas of the methodology of teaching literature, foreign language and literature, and uses new methods and modern technologies in their teaching
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The Nature and Functions of Literature
2Literature and its relationship with other disciplines
3Fiction and Non-fiction genres of Literature
4Genres of Literature. Poetry. Prose. Drama
5Historical periods in English literature
6Literary elements: theme, setting and conflict
7Character types in Literature
8Language and tone in Literature
9Elements of Plot
10Analyzing the plot structure of the text
11Figures of speech in Literature. Stylistic devices
12Characteristics of Poetry. Types and forms
13Features of Prose (Literary analysis of “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte)
14Distinguishing Features of Drama
15Writing a literary analysis. Analyzing novels and short stories
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1An Introduction to Speacial Philology. Textbook.Oxford University Press, 2018 James E. G. Zetzel
2The Main Problems of Foreign Literature. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Челябинск,2016 Е.В.Челпанова
3An Introduction to Speacial Philology. Textbook.Oxford University Press, 2018 James E. G. Zetzel
4Introduction to literature (wazaelimu.com)