Biology Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AA 3315 Human anatomy Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
Bostanova Ardak Muratovna

The purpose of the discipline: to form biological thinking for understanding the structure and functions of the human organ system, mechanisms and processes occurring in the body of children and adults. The course of study forms the topographic location of organs and body parts, age characteristics of the body, anthropometric indicators. The subject is aimed at studying the shape, structure and functions of the human body and its development related to the environment.

Evolutionary theory

Human and animal physiology

Teamwork, brainstorming, blitz questions, narration, problem method.

1masters the skills of search and research activities, analyzes, summarizes the results of research, forms the ability to apply theoretical and experimental research methods. - independently conducts an experiment; processes the data obtained and draws up a conclusion.
2masters anatomical, morphological, and physiological methods of studying biological objects; - performs fixation, collecting, phenological control of objects.
3develops research forecasts, conducts experiments using techniques and builds research skills ; - formulates the scientific foundations of biology and uses innovative technologies in the study of objects.
4performs statistical processing of research results; - summarizes the results of the design, analysis and development of scientific practice.
5эксперимент жүргізеді және зерттеушілік дағдыларын қалыптастырады;
6биологияның ғылыми негіздерін тұжырымдайды және объектілерді зерттеуде инновациялық технологияларды пайдаланады
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The doctrine of bones. The structure of the skeleton. Bone structure. The chemical composition of bones. Types of bone binding.Жазбаша
2The human skeleton. The spinal column. The chest. The connection of the bones of the face. The bones of the hands. Leg bones.The bones of the skullЖазбаша
3Back muscles. The muscles of the chest. Abdominal muscles. Neck muscles. The muscles of the head. Facial muscles. The muscles of the arms. Leg musclesЖазбаша
4The digestive system. The oral pharynx. Larynx. Peritoneum. The small intestine.The colon. The pancreas. LiverЖазбаша
5Solunum sistemi. Burun. Nazofarenks. Trakea ve bronşlar. AkciğerЖазбаша
6The urinary system. Kidneys. The ureter. The bladder. The urinary canal.Жазбаша
7Cinsel organlar. Erkek cinsel organları. Kadın cinsel organları.Жазбаша
8The glands of internal secretion.Жазбаша
9The venous system. Heart. The conductive system of the heart. Blood vessels. Circulatory circles.Жазбаша
10The arterial system. The gates of the venous systems. The lymphatic system. The peculiarity of fetal blood circulation.Жазбаша
11The spinal cord.Жазбаша
12The brain. The ventricles of the brain. The meninges.Жазбаша
13The brain. The ventricles of the brain. The meninges.Жазбаша
14The peripheral nervous system.Жазбаша
15The senses.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Адам анатомиясы Оқу құралы [Текст]. Б.2 / Ә. О. Кузенбаева. - Алматы : TechSmith, 2022..
22. Адам анатомиясының Атласы. Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. [Текст] / З. Б. Есимсиитова. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2015.
33. Адам анатомиясы: иллюстр.оқулық: 3 томдық. Жүйке жүйесі. Сезім мүшелері [Текст]. Т.3 / Ред.бас. Колесников Л.Л. ; Гайворонский И.В., Ничипорук Г.И., Филимонов В.И.; Аударм. Аубакиров А.Б. - М. : ГЭОТАР - Медиа, 2017
44. Адам және жануарлар физиологиясы атты оқу-әдістемелік құрал. З.С. Ажибаева, А. М. Бостанова, А. Е. Сержанова . - Түркістан : Тұран, 2015